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That as many healthy, durable nutrient-rich products as possible are included in the diet. Like fruit, vegetables, nuts or sunflower seeds and plenty of water. For the psyche I also need MCDONALDS, Kebab, EnergyDrinks and Co..
The question is really challenging… I really thought about something but I think my definition is to pay attention to calories, fat and protein. That she is balanced. Little sugar.
Make this right now, once a month McDonald’s and co.
“Respect for nutrition” means for me to eat consciously, variedly and balancedly, to put on regional and seasonal products and to avoid food from mass livestock farming as well as processed food and industrial sugar.
Be careful not to forget the food.
So the question is what to consider 😉
For me the quality is in the foreground, it does not have to be healthy and I also eat too much.
There is nothing to define, “respect for food” is respect for nutrition.