Was ist euere meinung zu süd und Nord Korea?
Ich finde süß und nord korea interessant auch wenn beide komplett unterschiedlich sind
Ich finde süß und nord korea interessant auch wenn beide komplett unterschiedlich sind
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Meine Mutter 160 Vater 173 Bruder 186-188 er ist 19
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South Korea is a normal democracy to which I have no reference. (In any case, after the President, who was obviously insane, was dismissed.)
North Korea is a dictatorship to which I also have no reference and whose citizens I am as sorry as any other injustice in the world.
That was the best answer so far
In South Korea, the presidents are repeatedly arrested at the end of their term of office, so far only our “quality media” have not been reported.
Like Germany.
Oh, dear…. 🙄
About Yoon has literally each reported. About Park, I called you three sources.
And about the other 4 would I find nothing in the “quality media” in a short search?
I only have the world in the RSS feed, and I’m more likely to fly over the headlines. It’s odd I’ll get an article.
Yoon Suk Yeol: The suspended president was appointed on 15. January 2025 in Seoul. He had on 3. December 2024 temporarily imposes the right to war, which led to investigations of riots and abuse of power.
Park Geun-hye: She was President from 2013 to 2017 and was abrogated after a corruption scandal of her office. In March 2017, she was arrested and later sentenced to a long sentence for corruption and abuse of power.
Lee Myung-bak: President from 2008 to 2013, was arrested for corruption charges in 2018 and later sentenced to a prison sentence.
Raw moo-hyun: President from 2003 to 2008, after his term of office, was under corruption. In May 2009 he took life during the investigation.
Chun Doo-hwan and Raw Tae-woo: In the 1990s, both former presidents were sentenced to corruption and their role in the military coup of 1979 and the Gjuwang massacre in 1980.
Edit: zu Park Geuyn-Hye I find contributions from Spiegel online, Welt and TAZ.
Don’t they count on the “quality media”?
Well, then there must have been special circumstances…. 😏
Or what president was arrested, what the “quality media” wanted to conceal us?
Sure, I find North Korea particularly interesting. That I can’t find the waketon from the world’s largest alarm clock for the 3 million inhabitants of Pjöngjangs except in miserable quality is so bad.
LG Animelove007
But if both have their problems, North Korea is probably the worst nation to be born with Somalia. That must be the opposite of the 6 in the lottery.
Currently, South Korea is completely out of edge and band. That’s very worrying.
Thank you for your opinion
North Korea is a shithole unpromising measure. South Korea is significantly better but has a dystopic cyberpunk touch.
Just the other way around.
I find North Korea sweet and South Korea interesting.
I’m too east.
Thank you for your opinion
South Korea: K-Drama
North Korea: nuclear bomb
A reunification is unfortunately not to be missed.
I know where I’d rather live around why.
Never tried sweet Korea.
In the new system there will be no more like East and West German.
What new system?
Instead of people, God will rule. Then you will see the difference.
Sweet Korea is okay. But Bitterkorea is doof
For the first time I hear Bitterkorea
Are those furniture manufacturers?