Was ist euer liebstes Küchengerät?
Mein erstes liebstes Küchengerät war ein elektrischer Milchaufschäumer, danach war ich eine Weile in einen Handpürierstab verliebt, später war es ein Entsafter und heute ist es eine elektrische Tassenwärmeplatte 🙂
Von anderen weiß ich das sie besonders ihre Kaffeemaschine sehr schätzen, aber es gibt auch Leute die ganz angetan von ihren Waffeleisen sind.
The toaster of course. Good toast bread with slice cheese on it is simply mega tasty and cheaper. We also use microwave or oven. I’m sorry. And my highlight and favorite of the coffee machine. Without coffee at the start, I can’t work like that. PS. I used to light up a toaster with a cigarette where I had no lighter. I don’t do this anymore.
Go with a hob.
That wouldn’t go with me. Since I have an induction hotplate from Siemens. It was with my grandma back then.
Clear: the thermomix! For me the ultimate all-rounder – mix, cook, steam, everything in one. He doesn’t just save time, he’s really fun if I want to try something new.
Tea – Clear case, the name is already divine and then the formation, magnificent.
Our contact grill. :
I don’t love my kitchen utensils – I use them.
Understand that avoid the attachment of material goods.
My knife
and this board roll
https://www.amazon.de/Fissler-084-163-163-163-16000 Steering Steel 16/dp/B000TYW3ZM?th=1
Thanks for the tip, after the takeover of WMF by a French consortium, I am also looking for a higher quality alternative.
In any case, the dishwasher
My “Cauberstab” (Stabmixer). It’s hardly a day I don’t use it. Then my screen carrier coffee machine and an electric coffee grinder.
The oven