Was ist euer Lieblingssong?
Meiner ist im Moment Lucid dreams von Juice wrld.
Meiner ist im Moment Lucid dreams von Juice wrld.
Geht um den Text in Falco – Out Of The Dark. Was ist mit dem Text gemeint bzw. was soll der Songtext ausdrücken? https://youtu.be/cyrdPtEHKzE?si=69577-39RgF1n0Gg
Hi, ich hab den Eindruck, dass heute kaum noch was neues rauskommt. Die Radio-Hits von heute sind zumeist House/Elektro-Versionen von alten Liedern aus den 1970,80,90ern. Und wenn was neues rauskommt, dann ist das meist sehr monoton. Oder liege ich da falsch?
..der Band Sabaton? 😊
Hi weiß vielleicht jemand wann genau NCT Dream Abreist mit Tag-Uhrzeit usw. Und ob es Aufnahmen vom heutigem Konzert gibt (abgesehen von Fan Aufnahmen) ich danke euch im Voraus 💜✨
Once you have reached my age, hopefully you will have more favorite songs than just the one. All the songs I hear are somehow songs I love… the one song more, the other song less. But I chose it. So from that…
But I can tell you what I’m hearing right now, of course, a ‘love song’. It is “Non, je ne regrette rien” by Èdith Piaf.
Have the honour
Just it’s “Just An Illusion” by Imagination, “Brother” by Émiliano Santiago, “Come As You Are” by Nirvana (both the original and the Unplugged version), “Ebony and Ivory” by Paul McCartney and Stevie Wonder, “Guilty” by Barbra Streisand and Barry Gibb, most of the album “Tell Me Thatco” LikeLive version of the Royal Albert Hall.
Otherwise, I always fell in love with this song:
My favorite artists are:
Everything from Bad awake and LaFee. But especially Queen of Night, Warrior, who am I and die for you. Everything from LaFee. By Bad awake definitely Soldier and To live and die. The songs are eccccht energy bundles and always get me out of the holes. Lg!
“Walzer” – Province.
Has been secretly sneaking in and now it’s not going away.
Don’t stop believing from Journey. And then almost all songs from Queen.
There’s no one. But a piece that went to me earlier, and I really like it, is “Toxicity” by System Of A Down.
At the moment Bewitched by Laufy
and What’s Left of me by Grace VanderWaal This position
Чиж – Фантом / Chizh – Phantom
Russian war song from the view of a F4 pilot in the Vietnam War.
Lower, deeper, deeper. Inside. Every step is world change.
at the time Answer from Ateez
heh heh
Toxic till the end – Rose
“Only you”, sung by Gregorian
The music of Ben Webster
extremely refreshing