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I love freshly harvested strawberries from my garden.
Delicious !😮😇🥰🤗
🍓🍓🍓Love greetings
But please, my love ❣️🤗 🧸🐾🐾 🧸🐾🐾
💛 💛 🧸🐾🐾 🧸🐾🐾
⭐ A no ⭐ A no ⭐ A no ⭐ A no ⭐ A no, no, no.
But you’ll also get me a 🌟because of your great photo 🍓🍓the water in the 🍓Mund 🍓together runs 😋😋😋😋🍓🍓🍓🍓🍓🍓😋😋ン️
The ⭐ is, unfortunately, not mine. LG 🙋🏻
Thanks for the ⭐
🍓 LG 🍓
Clear: apples!
There are huge recipes for what to do with apples:
Above all, actually a “local” piece of fruit.
When seasonal purchase, you can also really here buy local varieties.
Neither do these “industrial” high-gloss fruit varieties have to be. Many less attractive and above all older varieties have unfortunately largely disappeared from the usual market registers. There are still them!
Hey, Suchti! 👋
I really can’t decide any of the choices is really delicious! But I like lemons only in juice and not to bite, because they’re so upset.
What’s your favorite fruit?
LG Natti
Omg I see just like you, I actually love everything, except lemons and so few other things, What are the hot but in every case I love strawberries and raspberries, blueberries, bananas, oranges and more 🥰🤗
Thanks for the answer!🥰💖
You’re welcome.
Because “self-drawn”, as well as regional – and as a storage bowl can be grasped throughout the year…);)
A Boscope apple and an EL Sauerkraut are the best protection against cold – in me also hiking with the dogs in any weather…;)
Watermelon, well cooled 🍉 and this is especially refreshing in summer .
But I also like to eat peaches and nectarines.
It’s hard to decide but I think orange is my favorite, but I like to do everything
Best regards Vio☺️
I really like everything except bananas.
I prefer to have different fruit varieties together. For example, melon with grapes and strawberries and pineapple.
I like everything from the listed
Even if strawberries are not fruit.
One says so, the other says so, I say no.
And grapes 🍇
My favorite fruit is strawberries.
Anna is Na