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Heavy Metal and thrash metal. According to you, Metal counts yes to Rock
Yes Clear Because Rock is the basic form of everything
Blues is the basic form of everything I would say
That’s right. Blues, Gospel, Foolk.
Alternative Metal, Metalcore, Post Grunge, Alternative Rock, Nu Metal, Deathcore and a little bit Post Black Metal, or Blackgaze.
Progressive rock
But also listen to “normal” rock and pop music very much – especially those from the 60s – 80s.
A groundbreaking number was certainly this from 1975. After a introductory phase, the post goes off! From then on, it’s just: Great driving guitar solo without end!
The OUTLAWS – “Green Grass And High Tides Forever”
Progressive rock. And from your choice the best alternative rock. I don’t like grunge. The only thing I hear about Speed Metal is the first Metallica album. I have almost nothing to do with Industrial, even though it can be quite interesting.
I don’t limit myself to one of these subjects, and that’s a matter of mood.
For example, there are phases with Progrock, AOR, Blues and Southern Rock, as well as Speed, Melodic or Progmetal etc.
My wife prefers power metal, so I usually judge myself to her taste when driving. 😊
In addition to many others, my favorite
Does the band tell you immortal?
Of course. New album is to come this year, am thrilled
immortal is so my favorite band
This Death Metal.
It’s loud, fast and has good guitar reefs. Just my taste.
Do you know the band immortal?
Punkrock is also horny
Hard Rock & Heavy Metal
Power Metal zb powerwolf
Running Wild. Helloween. Bloodbound. War Kings,Speedking,Powerquest.
Symphonic Metal
punk is best
Trash& black metal and heavy metal
Middle Ages
Saltatio Mortis,Schandmaul and In Extremo are already horny.
You say it exactly that is my music Subway to Sally,Versengold , d’Artagnan , Covus Corax u.s.w u.s.w
That’s what I’m saying.
That’s right. But at this coloboration to Warriors of the world, I like the orginal better. But merchant with zb Sasha u Saltatio Mortis is good.
Firetail is also good, have the song “Pack” together with Saltatio Mortis
Very cool. Also folk, there is also gold,Dartagnan,Santiano. At the Middle Ages Rock/Metal I also like firetail.