Was ist euer Lieblingsfilm falls ihr einen habt?
Wenn ihr wollt könnt ihr auch sagen was euch daran gefällt
Wenn ihr wollt könnt ihr auch sagen was euch daran gefällt
Hallo, Gibt es irgendwo die Möglichkeit den oben genannten Film zu sehen? Amazon und netflix scheinbar nicht. Gerne auf deutsch, englisch geht aber auch. Danke
Hi, ich sehe häufig, dass Kinder sich my little pony anschauen. Aber ich frage mich warum sie das dürfen, der Inhalt ist doch maximal verstörend.
Scheint geheim zu sein. Riesen Aufgebot an Filmequipment. Viel viel Security. Muss ein richtiges Hollywood-Ding sein. Zufällig vor Ort gesehen. Habe in Google nichts gefunden. Aber vielleicht kennt jemand einen geheimen Produktionsticker oder arbeitet sogar mit?
Hallo Zusammen. In How i Met Your Mother, Staffel 2, Folge 13 feuert Robin ihre Visagistin. Weiß jemand wie die Schauspielerin (Visagistin) heißt? Es war mir ein Ding der Unmöglichkeit dies im Internet zu finden. Danke für eure Hilfe.
My Top3 movies:
The Lord of the Rings Trilogy
The Convicted
Thanks for the star 🙂
Ball of Fire (1941) – Director: Howard Hawks
Billy Wilder had seen the film “the blue angel” – still living in Berlin – this inspired him to write a comedy – he brought it with him when he emigrated to the USA and worked it together with Thomas Monroe for a film – the script was written by Billy Wilder and Charles Brackett
only the preface shown at the beginning of the film is a pleasure
once upon a time – in 1941 to be exact
there lived in a great, tall forest –
New York
eight men who were writing on encyclopedia
they were so wise – they knew everything:
the depth of the oceans,
and what makes a glowworm glow,
and what doe Nero fiddled
while Rome was burning
but there was one thing
about which they knew very little –
as you shall see …
when you see the movie, you notice similarities – the main actors are a post-club singer (and probably also a dancer) and a professor of English – that is so in both movies – the blue angel ends tragically, ball of fire has, in contrast, a happy end and is – in the truest sense of the word- full-throwing charm …. as you shall see
the movie Ball of Fire was added to the National Film Registry of the Congress Library of the USA a few years ago
I like the movie Everything’s head 1/2. If I’m just cute and in the old one you can understand the feelings well. Always fun watching the movie
The Crow
All Studio Ghibli Movies
Fury heart made of steel,
best I like that they used a real tiger for the movie the tiger 131
Some who is always going Companions
I liked Interstellar so far, was one of the films where I didn’t think to skip parts for a second.
The Legion series. It’s a rather sophisticated science fiction/fantasy series (with a bit of horror), you have to remember to understand everything, but there are so real aha moments for it. In some things, one really wonders how one can even imagine something like that.
The main character is David Haller, a man born with extreme supernatural powers. At first, he is not aware of this, but unconsciously, the forces are still engaged.
In principle, David with his powers can change reality as desired. He is also hard to distinguish imagination and reality, which is mainly due to the fact that through his powers imagination becomes a reality and vice versa. He also suspects psychological diseases such as schizophrenia. Oh, yes, and actually he has hundreds of personalities, but somehow they all work against each other.
Besides, he’s been from his childhood… something possessed. I don’t want to spoil you too much
One more thing: in the series, the strangest things happen. Example: David’s team sneaks through the strangely manly headquarters of a secret organization chasing people like David, and suddenly they meet a cow. A cow that just stands around in this state-of-the-art facility and eats hay.
Master detective kalle blomquist lives dangerous is my favorite movie:
Why: I like to play the story with the murder and the detective and the war of the roses. In addition, I like the children very much (especially of course the white rose)and you learn something about how important it is to have friends, to accept and help themselves as friends, and that you should not trust every person and always use his head, to use his intelligence no matter what gross situation may be.
Best regards
Hello, Emilie2008. 😊
Jaaaaa, I have a favorite movie, and I’ve seen it so often that I could talk to every scene….
Hachiko, a wonderful friendship. PRODUCTS
I always have to cry and when I see the movie so often.😢
With sweethearts, Renate.
M e i n absolute favorite movie! And if Hachiko gets old, after years still sits in front of the station and waits just before the movie stops, I have to cry! Even now, dear Renate, if I think of it! You love! And it really gave Hachiko, with other names, in Japan! The Japanese have made him a monument!
You darling!
My favorite movies are all Star wass movies from the 1st to the 6th, but most often I like Star wass 3 the revenge of the Sith because that’s the first I’ve seen and because it’s the most exciting.
This part is up to date when a democracy is to be made a dictatorship…very many parallals
Lawrence of Arabia
I have so many
3 of my absolute favorite movies are
These films are masterpieces.
in the movies just everything is right, occupation, story, etc….
have they looked so often and again really good
An old movie: The party horror with Peter Sellers,Da km with it unplanned to a pool party and foam party,and no one stays dry 😁😃
Sin Nombre: with God’s help or on the side of the devil.
One of the few movies that have no happy ending.
Cloud Atlas & Interstellar
The Hunger Games
Star Trek