Was ist euer Lieblingsessen?
Was ist euer Lieblingsessen?
Und, könnt ihr es selber kochen / zubereiten?
Was wäre wenn man sich so gesund wie nur möglich ernähren würde? Also z.B jeden Tag alle Nährstoffe, die der Köroer braucht, abdeckt, genug Sport macht, alle chemischen Sachen mit Natürlichen austauscht usw. Einfach das gesündeste Leben lebt, was nur irgendwie möglich ist. Welche Vorteile bringt das mit sich? Lebt man vielleicht überdurchschnittlich lang dadurch?
muss man den reis dann erst kochen und dann anbraten oder gleich die körner in eine pfanne machen?
Ist sowas möglich?
Can actually cook well. My mom taught me.
My favorite food is crust roast with dumplings, blue wort and much dark sauce.
Round roulettes and cabbage roulettes from Thüringer Mett in Wirsingkohl.
And yes, I’m a man who can cook.
What are round roulettes and cabbage roulettes?
Google knows.
I love cows, they’re round.
https://www.google.com/search?client=tablet-android-samsung-rev2&source=android browser&sxsrf=AJOqlzVo2TItIHAXB-0WPnzu8QqFxxZ_zQ:1675344064118&q=Runderroulladen&nfpr=
I have several favorite dishes:
Pig fillet with potatoes and asparagus.
Bovine roach with potatoes and red cabbage.
Gulasch with potatoes and red cabbage
Green coal inpot with cassler or metted.
Beans soup
Vegetable soup
zucchinireis pan with chopped
Now I’ve got an appetite….I like everything…LG Angel
Flour dumplings with potato pencils, bacon or bacon sauce and pears or apple compote or salad (Löwenzahnsalat or Endiviensalat or mixed salad or head salad)
I like to cook passionately
And there’s always something nice on the table
Gulasch with self-made potato and red cabbage
Putenschnetzeltes with delicious mushroom cream saucer
Rouladen with red cabbage
Sausages and purees
Fresh vegetables (depending on season)
Pizza (of course all handmade)4 Seasons
For every taste then what is
In the winter defensive pots
Colorful salads in summer
And treats from the grill and various salads
That’s all I can do
Food is a great piece of quality of life
LG Angel
One of us in the family called “Stinkenudeln”.
Cooked band noodles with zucchini and champignons with a cream sauce to do britled with cheese in the oven.
According to recipe, 12 toes of garlic come on 4 servings. I usually make 6 toes
I know a “shrink noodle” mentioned.
I also know, but stinking noodles are much more horny
I know that in the way, you happen to have a prescription, that would be good. My mother made such a run-up, I’m looking for the recipe
Yes, I need to find out
Finkenwerder Scholle with roast potatoes and green beans.
I like fish in general. As I live on the North Sea, mostly fresh.
Yeah, I can cook well.
yes, for example homemade pizza or roulette with green beans and potato bread
Yeah, I can cook and do it almost daily.
There’s no “one” favorite dish, there’s nothing I can call.
From the cooler, I have pre-cooked food and TK vegetables. I do not have frozen prefabricated dishes (no, no pizza).
Since I’m working I can’t cook anything fresh every day. For example, I prepare soups, frying, goulash, siliceous, etc. in larger quantities and feed it in portions.
Yes I can cook very well and also cook.. generally from fresh ingredients..
I have many favorite dishes, none I want to eat daily 🙂
Pellkartoffeln mit Quark and a lot of linseed oil 🙂
isn’t that your favorite food?
Chili con Carne
Kaiserschmarrn with inlaid rum raisins is my favorite food.
She can prepare herself, but the dish tastes even more delicious when my husband cooks it with love.
All almost food ausse boar and frozen food
Lentils and late zle and string sausages. I have been able to cook for 60 years and much more….
chewed silverfish Hunanart
very delicious!!! 🙂
Tagliatelle al agliata
All pasta dishes xd
Self-made muzzles, yes, I do them myself.
My favourite food that I can cook myself is chicken-scratched with a lot of garlic and rice.
Furnace Makkaroni alla Mamma by Knorr/Maggi
Yes I can prepare Germknödel myself.
Lentil stew, cauliflower with semmelbrösel and rose cabbage with brown butter. Cooking this is not a witch’s work.
Paella produkt
Among other things, cattle roulides with Thuringian lumps and red cabbage.