Was ist euer Lieblingsessen?
Hallo alle zusammen,
ich wollte heute in die Runde fragen, welches Essen ihr am Liebsten mögt. Mir gefallen die meisten Gerichte sehr gut, aber ich esse meistens Spaghetti Bolognese, Pizza Magharitta und Fischstäbchen.
Mögt ihr diese Gerichte auch? Ich bin gespannt auf eure Antworten ^^
Salamu aleykum wa rahmathullahi wa barakathuh ukhti,
I like to eat fruit like:
I like to eat vegetables like:
I eat very, very much PizzaI love it!! Also Döner is horny (:
Sweets I love very much, especially my favorite chocolate: Sweet chocolate
I eat the most Syrian courts (:
What alaikumu Salam, dear Stolze777 🙂
Thank you for your answer, the dishes mentioned I also find very delicious ^^
Jasaki Allahu chairan, insha Allah ▼
Wa iyyakum ukhti
I very much like eating many things and prefer balanced food with a high proportion of vegetables and fresh food.
That sounds good:) Thank you for your answer
Mangocurry with rice, paprika cream carving with rice and sweet potatoes with peanut sauce and my favorite burger on which grilled pear, peanut butter and potato chips are on it.
Delicious… thanks for your answer!
Spaghetti with minced meat zucchini
Sweet potatoes
Pancake with jam
That sounds delicious 🙂 Thank you for your answer ^^^
Cauliflower, cabbage, lentil stew… Yummy.
Leaks 🙂 Thank you for your answer ^^
Sounds really delicious 🙂 Thank you for your answer
Good old housewives like our grandma still cooked them.
That sounds delicious! Thank you for your answer
My favorite food is pizza if it’s almost food.
Looks really delicious 🙂 Thanks for the answer
tasty veal cakes with wine-sing vegetables and rosemary salads!
That sounds delicious 🙂 Thank you for your answer!
If desired, of course, I have a recipe for you!
I’ll write out of my head.
I am always interested in new courts
That would be nice.
I like to eat many things from meat dishes to vegetarian dishes as well as fruit and vegetables.
Fast food goes as well as Döner we know all Döner makes more beautiful;)
It sounds delicious;) Thanks for the answer
Please contact Sofia
All kinds of pots
Sounds delicious ^^ What is your favorite stew? Thank you for your answer:)
Greetings, Sofia
Cabbage, carrots, potatoes and so on. I eat plants every day
That sounds healthy but delicious 🙂 Thank you for the answer ^^
salads, cucumbers, pumpkin soup, spinach.
Mhh… That sounds really good:)
What kind of meat do you like?
Greetings, Sofia
I like grilled beef and duck
Sounds good