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I find Kai best
Krass, for me Kai is somehow simply the white bread of the series
In Dragons rising definitely 😆
as a child I always liked to watch Ninjago! I still know how much I celebrated him, and I also found alone that he has the element of fire. 😀 I also liked his sister Nya very much and always found the story with her parents as water and fire master. I also found his dragon the most blatant.
And then I find Cole and Zane really cool. Cole has always been kind of “others'” and hasn’t earned all this pain he’s been through. And at Zayn I found the connection as a robot always interesting to observe. This is where I found all the guns best.
I think Nya best.
I actually see almost everything as they are in the series and somehow the water is the coolest element.
Because I have to laugh at him all the time
I looked where I was still a little kid and I still look, and I think Cole is so much shit happens but he’s still like full underrated
Yes, full underrated.
the producers of ninjago thought his strength would be the strongest in itself, and therefore, after battle and also in others, has stepped down to create a balance. he is also my favorite;)
Who’s Arin? Is that in the new consequences? And if I apologise, after the masters of time I stopped looking at new consequences
Arin comes from the new consequences
I don’t know Arin… I only saw the first 5 seasons as a child. I think.
That’s the only name I’ve kept so 😂
I’ve just looked the series a few times
Best regards, Jan
Nya was from the beginning
Lloyd and kai🐉
the green type or ghost type
So Cole or Lloyd
no, not cole, the ghost wind type (can also not remind me of the names)
Spirit type? Morro or cole?
That’s your point of view, but it’s different and we’ll probably never agree that’s why it’s best if we leave it that way.
No, he wasn’t a ninja because he broke his “training” at Sensei Wu before anger and then never became a ninja.
Yeah, I was just saying he was.
When it became clear that he is not the green ninja, he broke his training. That’s why he’s not a ninja. He also calls the others with “Ninja”. If he were ninja, he would join himself with it and make no sense.
But he was supposed to be the green ninja and he was a student of Wu so he comforted to become ninja but had no team.
Just because you’re a student of someone, you’re not a ninja, otherwise Garmadon and Clouse would also be ninjas.
But he was the disciple of Master Wu and therefore a ninja. But no more.
ok, it’s been a bit since I saw this (not quite 10 years but almost)
He was an elementary master, but no ninja
was he not even one?
But he’s not a ninja
Because I like the name very much. ̄\_(ツ)_/ ̄