Was ist euer lieblings Flugzeug von den aufgelisteten?
Welches Flugzeug gefällt eich von den aufgelisteten am meisten?
Wenn euch das Thema nicht interessiert dann einfach weiterscrollen anstatt zu schreiben, dass alle Flugzeugen im Prinzip das selbe sind.
XX beinhalten mehrere Modelle dann würde ich mich drüber freuen, wenn ihr dazu schreibt welches Modell (Bspw. A350-XX „Mein Favorit ist der A350-900 oder A350-1000“)
Freue mich auf die Ergebnisse 🙂
Of yen listed the 747, generally four-jet machines. But they are not so economical, they will become less and less in the future.
I still want to break a lance for small planes. I can fly with a CRJ900 soon and look forward to it
the A340-600 is also mega. The length of the aircraft
Very nice but unfortunately not so economical. Enjoy her as long as she is still there:)
Large range with the lowest fuel consumption passenger/km.
The B787-9 and the A350-900 are better. Both higher range and low fuel consumption, due to the lower weight and above all due to the two instead of four engines. The longest flight travelled with an A350
Wow, something’s coming back. Thanks for the info.
Take care of the time. has exploited its advantages in euro flight operations.
The 747-8 is operated only by Qatar and Lufthansa
Pilots have been trained here and with little luggage a pleasure at start and landing.
I can never choose between A420 and A369.
Do not know both
The Airbus is currently the spearhead of the technology, the most externally feasible, despite the current problems that the color is being detached.
Maybe has something to do with the Kohel fiber composite
The American calls the “breaking new ground”, that is, “on new shores.” Thus, if new technologies are applied to an unrealized level, it is absolutely normal that technical problems arise.
It is not only worth mentioning that Qatar Airways is leading a dispute against Airbus (and so far loses).
The really bad thing about how Qatar is trying to discredit Airbus publicly by presenting videos to the public on social media like YouTube about paint damage to Airbus A350 aircraft:
Only the resulting, extremely bad press and the resulting in uncertainty among the passengers are likely to arise over the resulting stock exchange losses BEIDER companies million if not cost billions.
The behavior of Qatar therefore reminds us of the fact that one is sitting on the branch.
https://www.spiegel.de/wirtschaft/ Streit-um-rentee-bei-a350-flieger-qatar-airways-unterliegebus-erneut-vor-gericht-a-39508e3e-c091-4479-9bb5-8e67bac3a0c8
“The aircraft builder Airbus in dispute with the big customer Qatar Airways has won another interim victory in court. The state airline wanted Airbus to stop extradition from a British court. This, however, rejected the request on Thursday. Qatar Airways must therefore continue to decrease and pay Airbus A350 machines, even if the legal dispute continues. In the coming years, a handful of extraditions of the type are available.
This is already the second defeat for the flight line. It was only at the end of April that a British court had allowed Airbus to cancel the airline’s order for more than 50 A321neo medium-range jets. Accordingly, Airbus may sell the machines ordered by Qatar Airways to other customers. Instead, the state airline of the Arab Emirates Qatar had to get required aircraft elsewhere. The airline already had a contract with the Airbus competitors Boeing signed.
Dispute on paint and surface damage
In principle, the dispute is not about the much sought-after A321neo jets, but about paint and surface damage to long-range jets of type A350. Qatar Airways had brought an action against the European manufacturer in December for the deficiencies London submitted. Airbus, on the other hand, considers the problems not relevant to safety, but wanted to resolve the shortcomings. Qatar Airways is one of the most important Airbus customers. The company has ordered 53 machines from the A350 series in the fleet and 23 more.
A350-1000 is my favorite of the above mentioned… Actually equal or close behind but the 777-300ER
The classic Jumbo Jet is my favorite.
Unfortunately overhauled..:/
Technically, he is at the latest.
It’ll always be upgraded.
you are
And that doesn’t bother me.
It’s about what my favorite plane is, what FS wants to know.
And my IST and BLEIBT the 747 in all variants.
You can argue how you want.
My opinion will not change.
From environmental engineering, you’re right.
But the question is not about the environment, but about favorite aircraft. 😉
Overhauled due to inefficiency of four-jet aircraft
The A350-1000 is already sexy =)
Mega sexy. Batman
A350 900
Geil. I prefer the A350-1000
A plane that I also very much like