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1820: Hans Christian Oersted (1777–1851) discovers the magnetic field Effect of electric current (Electromagnetism) and invent this Amperemeter. discoveries#1890er_Years
18. January 1871 was founded as one of the largest and most advanced nation in Europe. When almost all Germans were finally united under a flag.
Too often forget
9 after Christ as the Germanic tribes in the battle of the Varus defeated the occupying Roman legions
In 1529 and 1683, when the Ottomans were defeated by the Germans and later also Poland, they were forced back to occupy Vienna.
18.01.1701 when the Duke in Prussia crowned himself king in Prussia.
In 1757 as Friedrich the Great in a 5 front war, with much smaller army the Germans have led to victory and sent the French and Russians back home.
19.10.1813 When the Prussians defeated Napoleon in the Battle of the Peoples of Leipzig.
18.06.1815 when Napoleon was finally defeated by the Germans (Preußen) and the British.
In 1864 when Denmark lost rule over Schleswig-Holstein and became SH Prussian province.
1867 Foundation of the North German Federal
1871 Foundation of the German Empire.
09.11.1989 when the wall was demolished.
Wow, I was just asking for an event.
1917 Russian Revolution
1945 End of World War II, smashing fascism
18 January 1871 Foundation of the German Empire, 12 January 1919 Disintegration of the Spartakusaufstand by the Freikorps and 9 November 1989 Fall of the Berlin Wall are my favorites
Breakdown of the Spartacus uprising by the Free Corps
I don’t think that was a good event. If the Spartakus uprising had been successful, Hitler and the Nazis would probably have been killed before they had the chance to come to power, which would have saved the world a lot of misery and mass murder.
Uprising of the Kronstadter Matrosen.
Communists need opposition from the left.
When women’s election law was introduced in 1918.
The moon landing! I simply find ENORM impressive, what man is capable of.
I think it’s just a pity that this adventure spirit seems lost from then somewhere. I mean, today, no one goes to Berlin with a car without an airbag.
Lg, Anna
The day on the Werner von Braun’s tumbled V2 rocket sent the first Americans to another celestial body.
Louis, Lence or what his name was:
and if you are against the peaceful use of milliary technology
Lg, Anna
I misunderstood that because you called the V2. While the V2 was something else than the Saturn Clear the principle is the same…
I also said if! but thank you for telling me that you are not against the peaceful use of milliary technology…
Where did I write that I am against the use of military technology? You have to show me that now.
In 1938 Otto Hahn and Fritz Strassmann radiate uranium with neutrons.
And thus discover the nuclear fission.