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Fortunately, there were almost no situations in my life that brought me the real grief. All the people in my family are still on earth and I feel no great problems with life. I am very pleased and I hope it will continue to be as great as it is.
Many people do not know what real suffering means, as they were never in African countries. In comparison, the problems of the rich people could seem somewhat unrealistic.
So my greatest dream is that it is good for all people on this earth health and no one has to starve 🫶🏼.
A far unrealistic dream, but would be really nice.
Sounds very reasonable and beautiful
If one believes in his dreams and has a great will, then one creates everything you want!
(must be realistic of course)
That would be nice:))
Only if you’re ready to pay the price for it.
in most cases the price with the reward weighs very well on 🙂
ALL? I dare to doubt that. I bet 1 million euros that you cannot travel in time with strong will.
It’s about something realistic.
I’m sorry, I’ve put something unclear
haha it was more about realistic dreams 🙂
Of course, this is not the same thing that you can see deceased people again….
No, often not.
Get some people back from the beyond. And give them a nice time.
My mom’s health. That would be a dream that will remain unfulfilled forever. 🙁
With me also
I am very sorry
Finding great true love and being with her/her
Finding true love
all take in the poor of those I couldn’t say goodbye while we promised
Don’t dream.
I would like to establish a civilisation on an exoplanet in the Star System Proxima Centauri
Be 21, think this is feasible
Well, maybe
You can become 1000 years old and will not experience it. Interstellar space is not possible. At least not within a human life.
Of course, interstellar space is possible. Through Kryonik. Although not now, but in a few thousand years development certainly
And for you, is that even “of course”????
Soso Kryonik.
And what does the frozen and resurrected man do when he arrives in the next star system (Proxima Centauri) in 100,000 years and finds that this earthly planet that is supposed to exist there is actually not habitable for humans?
(simplified assumption: the technology creates a speed of 17,000 km/h for over 100,000 years. I’ve chosen the number because it’s going to be nice for 100,000 years)
If he freezes again and continues to fly? Another 100,000 years are a Klacks….
My greatest dream would be to fly into space 🚀
Yes, I would also like to be cool, but I don’t want to spend so many years and not who it’s not with a friend and I really would have a big fear
That I’m getting healthy….
Oh no produkt️ I wish you all good and health and hope that you will be healthy again 🍀🍀🍀
You will.
Can you know, have leukemia
Yes, it can happen.
I know that. Why not the other?
I’d like to do my job on Earth and make 1 pair of kids.
Then explore the universe. Very fast, just like my V8 as a spaceship
Sounds good
Enlightenment for the good of all beings. This life will be close..