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I haven’t killed myself yet. I’ve always fought and never abandoned, and hopefully that’ll stay that way.
It is therefore a long-term challenge. Have you got any help or is it a situation that you’d rather manage on your own?
That I repeat my life piece by piece and fight for my wishes and goals.
After many setbacks in puberty and young adulthood (school problems, problems with parents, mental impairments, two trainings aborted) I gradually managed to catch up with my school degrees and my professional qualification and to live a pleasant life today.
I am proud of who I have become and what I have learned in life. I am proud that I have overcome difficulties and have been able to give my family a better life.
Self-employment and my progress with my disorder
What are the currents?
It is mostly a social weakness with depressive phases
I wish you a lot of success on your way there!
That I’ve always been up. To my inner strength and willpower.
I’m proud of my friends who have become my family. I’ve chosen the right ones I want to keep in my life.
That I’ve found a wonderful wife and work in my dream job.
My life could no longer be better. I am proud
My fighting force.Shift me and I still live.
I got up and continued
To my very good son. And that I can live (good) again today despite some heavy setbacks. I survived everything and everyone who wanted to break me.
To my values we trustworthiness and reliability
I am proud of the good people I have chosen in my life and who have helped me improve my life.
I don’t get dead.
Car cover survives 2x without major blessurs or foreign damage.
Apoplex survived only with minor restrictions.
Cancer survived.
And after all the crap still retrained
I went off with 17 without the main school leaving with 30 Abitur.
My children
But I’m nothing, misery and poverty
To what I have achieved through the right* decisions.
*) not knowing if it was the right thing.
I have a well-maintained short hair hairstyle
That I raised my children on my own and without the support of anyone, and that they have become good people from among them.
To my religion, alhamdulillah
On our son 😉 🥰