Was ist es?

Ich habe vorhin unter der Decke(Mänlich) ihr wisst schon was gemacht und dabei nicht gemerkt das mein Penis unter der Decke voll verdreckt war Haare und Schmutz als ich gekommen bin hat es gebrannt danach hab ich den Schmutz sofort abgewaschen beim pinkeln brennt nichts , aber jetzt stell ich mir die Frage ob ein Haar drin ist und ob das wahrscheinlich ist und welche Symptome man da hat(ich habe schon eine Verengung aber da ist alles soweit in grünen Bereich) hier ist niemand Arzt und ich frag nur nach da es hier in der Nähe nur 2 Urologen gibt und die Termin erst in 2Monaten ist.(ich bin allergisch gegen Katzen und ich habe 2Katzen es wäre sehr schlecht wenn es Katzenhaare wären) Ich hab kein Haar in der harnröhre gefunden ,aber mein Penis war vorher schon angeschwollen. Hat villeicht kein Zusammenhang , aber hab danach sehr starke Schmerzen schlagartig an den Seiten bekomme besonders , wenn ich Atme.

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1 year ago

After everything I’ve read about answers and comments and your responses, it’s obviously a first thing extreme hygiene problem. As long as you don’t succeed, your lizard and front skin inside daily effectively to clean – and as even as possible several times daily, as other uncircumcised ones also have to do to be clean – as long as it is sweet to think about diseases, allergies and other “inexplicable phenomena”.

If it is actually (as is to be assumed) an extreme contamination of the preputial bag (intermediate space between acorn and anterior skin), this is usually due to a extremely long-term neglect of body hygiene in the light of the above. Unfortunately, in a few cases, this leads to irreversible damage and consequences: Up to carcinomas (penis cancer), which usually means amputation …. So far you don’t want to let it come – So clean up there consistently, several times a day and extremely thorough!

1 year ago

To get a hair into the opening of the acorn I think very unlikely. You’d have to open the opening so that the hair can even get inside. Like the previous speakers have written. Ordinarily wash with Ph neutral soap and then maybe spare the penis for the first time.

1 year ago

Well, the urologist’s gonna be happy if you swing him on your dirty limb…

Go wash properly, then go peeing and already the problem has settled, and the urologist can sleep calmly today.

Best regards

1 year ago
Reply to  OGCOOLE216

After 2 days, your dump can’t be so dirty

1 year ago
Reply to  OGCOOLE216

In this heat you should wash your intimate area daily.

Just by the way…

Go pee, and then you wait the day off…

Your plinth is very sensitive to feelings, that’s the day.

1 year ago

Then call the family doctor and let you make a transfer to the urologist…

1 year ago

Call the Urologen. That’s his daily bread.

1 year ago

The doctor doesn’t see this every day…

Usually the urologist.

But you never learn, go to HA, who is sure to be happy

1 year ago


You want to be or have…

Do what you want.

I’m sorry for the colleague.

One more thing:

wash your trunk!!!!