Was ist er Hubraum beim Motorrad?
Wie schnell fahrt ein Motorrad mit z.B. 50 ccm und wie viel ccm benötigt ein Motorrad damit es 90/100kmh fährt?
Wie schnell fahrt ein Motorrad mit z.B. 50 ccm und wie viel ccm benötigt ein Motorrad damit es 90/100kmh fährt?
Hi ich habe meine mofa prüfbescheinigung bekommen und mir ist auf der rückseite aufgefallen dass die stempel verblasst sind oder nicht richtig raufgemacht wurden. Wo soll ich da jetzt hin und darf ich damit noch fahren?
Ich mache derzeit meinen A1 – Führerschein und ich bin in der Überlegung, welches Moped ich mir bald kaufen könnte. Die Yamaha WR 125 x hat mich sehr angesprochen. Ich müsste ca 32 Kilometer am Tag fahren und einmal in der Woche 60 Kilometer (188 Kilometer Wöchentlich. Nun habe ich gehört, dass die Yamaha WR…
Hallo @all, Ich habe ein größeres Problem mit meinem Motoroller. Ich habe eine “Motowell Magnet RS 17” mit Wasserkühlung. Ich habe sie vor ca 2 Jahren gekauft und musste einiges im Laufe der Zeit reparieren. Ich habe vorher keine Erfahrung damit gehabt aber bis jetzt konnte ich Dank “Dr.Google” alles selber reparieren. Jetzt komme ich…
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The displacement determines roughly how much air a motor can suck. And how much fuel can be burned.
Theoretically, the capacity for speed is not only meaningful. The old Aprilia RS50 turned so high that 17PS got out.
Practically you need a 125ccm machine and the A1 driving licence for 100 km/h.
If you’re done with 50 ccm but only who you have a lot of idea and you can’t do that legally. With ner 125 shaft you legal between 100 and 130
To drive 100 enough 50ccm. In the past, there were schnapps glass classes up to 50ccm in racing, which were clearly over a hundred.
The displacement space is the volume difference between the upper and lower dead center of the piston.
You can also theoretically drive at 50 ccm 90/100 if the engine and the drum are tuned to it.
The displacement space is the space above the piston between the lower and upper dead center.
A 50 ccm motorbike can drive at most 45 km/h on road. For 100 km/h you already need 125 cm.
May? So it could be up to 100kmh but I can only drive 45kmh?
There’s enough upgraded 50s mopeds. You just can’t drive on the road.
That’s not true.
An example:
One of the few exceptions. How many are still driving around?
Yes, and what do you mean that a vehicle with, for example, 50ccm and 70 km/h cannot be classified in vehicle class L3e-A1? L1e is uninteresting here, it’s not about small motorcycles. Would you please briefly quote the place that prescribes a minimum displacement space for one of the L3e classes and thus forbids manufacturers to build a low-power wheel or even a 50ccm motorcycle?
Why you cite the regulations on driving licence class AM, I’m sick of it – neither is it about driving licences, nor can a LKR be driven with this class. See the last paragraph of my previous post again in the context.
Thanks for the directive
I read the following ua.
Vehicle classification L1e
(5) a stroke volume ≤ 50 cm3
(6) Maximum vehicle design speed ≤ 45 km/h
To the driver’s license (source ADAC)
Class AM: maximum 50 cubic centimeters and 45 km/h maximum speed.
There is no requirement that predescribs 45 km/h for a 50ccm vehicle. In particular, there is no such EU regulation. The classification of vehicle classes in Directive 168/2013 fully contradicts your claim.
If you are unable to comply with the right of driving licence and the right of admission, it would make sense not to teach other users.
These are not excuses, which is a fact that 50 ccm, 45 km/h applies to the European Union, if not even more extensive. Exemptions are used only for the protection of existing property, because everything else would be equal to expropriation. If you don’t want to see it, I can’t do it either. End of discussion
…no excuses. End of the word change.
The statement is not basically wrong only because there are exceptions. It only proves that there were mopeds that were faster and with which you can drive even faster today, because at that time so approved. These are exceptions. Today no one sells you something like this because it is not approved.
There are also limits for noise. I had a motorcycle from 2000 that was extremely loud. Nobody could do anything about it. But the exception is no longer the rule.
It doesn’t matter. It proves that your statement is wrong.