Was ist eine typisch regionale kulinarische Spezialität Deiner Gegend?

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Wer kennt sie und hat schon einmal probiert?

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9 months ago

I would say that crabs (they only afford tourings to which the absurd prices for obscure reasons are irrelevant, domestically can not be pulled off), green cabbage with sausage and pork cheek, Labskaus, such stuff.

9 months ago

I don’t remember anything from my homeland; the culinary region is as boring as the milieu. You buy at Aldi and Lidl or at Penny or Rewe, possibly house slaughters or Hausmetzgereien and Hausmacher Wurst typical, to a certain extent also black branded liquors, which farmers sell besides the sausage and possibly their own honey in containers on the edge of the road (“hoof shop”) until the health/food office and the tax office come behind it and close the shop – this is the usual way. Some have also made a huge Gedöns about scattered fruits and stray fruits, scattered fruit pedagogues and anything else – but there are everywhere. I don’t remember a typical local food and I know that it’s not a good business card, but it fits to the crowd. These are people who are already deprived of the joy of life in front of the school and who are more ashamed of traditions than they are.

In my ballroom there are mouthbags, late zle, various great soups, various cakes and really good breweries. Here is more to it; a little further away, but still in the reachable vicinity there are also wine specialities (which, however, are often too rich to me) and very defensive meat dishes, which are just the same as the local dialect, which is too market-screaming (mean is much softer).

9 months ago

Potatoes, cucumber salad.

8 months ago

Pig roast and potato dumplings

9 months ago

Where I come from

Where I live now

9 months ago

Pea soup with Bockwurst.

9 months ago
Reply to  ich500

Rhineland ?

9 months ago

Battle plate with sour wort and fingernails

9 months ago

Green coal inpot, plug-in beet stew and sausage bread.

9 months ago

With us there are mullets, cheese spetlets, lentils with late zle and string sausages

9 months ago

Pig roast with semmel or potato dumplings always goes.