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1 year ago

The term “Therme” derives from thermal bath. Originally the water of warm natural sources was used.

The concept of spas can be very different. The best way to look at the homepage of the spa you want to visit.

1 year ago

A spa or thermal bath is hot because it blows water deep out of the ground and can therefore save a lot of energy.
So each spa has its own “runs” which you can often visit, who cares.

A spa doesn’t say anything about its own performance – offer is very different. However, you can assume that a spa has a quite large offer of swimming and paddling facilities and very often also a sauna area with in the program.
All facilities, whether spa or normal, have their own different house rules for bath and sauna facilities. So you may need to call your favorite by phone and ask…
All the spas that have a sauna area in the pgram can be found in our sauna directory Approx. 3000 Aalagen are in there, but all that offer a public sauna. So also fitness – studios / spas / sauna facilities / wellness hotels…
You can enter your PLZ there and a circle you would drive and get all the bathrooms displayed in the circle.

Now you know why the spas are so hot and where you can find them all.

What do you have to take?
Depends on whether you want to visit the sauna part or just the bathroom part or everything….

Bathrobe / large towel or sauna towel / bathing ham + shampoo for pre-cleaning. If you also want to go to the bathroom, which is usually separated from the nudist sauna area, you need to wear swimwear there. Bathing clothes are prohibited within the nudist area (sauna). There you wear the bathrobe or a tied towel.

We will give you a lot of fun in your favorite spa!

LGtom sauna (

1 year ago

Plant with thermal baths, hot and cooler baths, sprudeldingers, whirlpools, river basins, medical applications, saunas, massages, wellness. Therme is not a protected term.

The largest thermal spa in the world: Therme Erding (

Look at the website and you know what this can look like.