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2 years ago

Living together with two-sided advantages. Whenever 2 individuals help each other to help each other and through this help also gain advantages, this is a symbiosis in the wider sense.

A beautiful example is the honey indicator. This bird species has learned that people are able to harvest halfway dangerously wild bees. When they found a beehive, they signal to the locals that they have found one and lead them to the stick by flying a piece ahead, calling and waiting for the people to get up.

People reaped the stick and as a thank you attach a large piece of honeycombs to a branch for the honey indicator. This has then received honey without great effort and is motivated to lead people to a hive the next time.

2 years ago

Symbiosis in the wider sense is understood by the botanist and mycologist Anton de Bary (1831 – 1888)the coexistence of unequal organisms‘. According to this definition, both ‘supporters’ and ‘parents’ of an organism are ‘symbiotes’.

2 years ago

Interaction with the mutual benefit/benefit

2 years ago

It is a community and plants and animals