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6 months ago

A panic disorder is a recurring and unexpected attack. These seizures are intense by fear or discomfort. Frequently without warning and typically within minutes that reach their climax.

Symptoms include heart palpitations, sweating, trembling, short breathing, a feeling of jamming, nausea, dizziness and the feeling of losing or dying control.

The particular thing is that the affected persons usually develop a persistent fear of further seizures and make changes in behaviour to avoid them. This can lead to significant limitations in everyday life.

The exact cause is not yet known. But a combination of genetic, biological, psychological and environmental factors plays a role.

6 months ago
Reply to  Julia07012000

Please 🙂

6 months ago
Reply to  Sarkasie

Do you have any tips that could help me?

If your body reacts to fear, you can do or try:

▪ Breathe deeply. Close your eyes and count slowly to ten in thoughts.

▪ Atme consciously when counting up to eight. As you count to three, you breathe deeply. Keep breathing until seven counts. Breathe to eight.

▪ Tell you consciously stop. You know the state of fear will soon pass. You can’t do anything. In the meantime, you can influence your thinking. Say loud stop and stretch your arm forward, pull your hand up and spread your fingers or introduce a red stop sign.

▪ Take a little stressball, softball or the like in your hand and knead it. It’s very calming.

▪ Balle strong your fists and count slowly to 5, let go and relax.

You can also span all ten toes at the same time and let go again. Repeat the whole thing until you feel better.

▪ Go outside to the fresh air and run a few steps to reduce excess energy. Best with fast running, knee bows or hampelmen.

▪ A tip from the Hydrotherpie. You let cold water run over your underarms. Or rub your face with cold water.

Or drink cold water in a small amount, so breathing automatically slows down. So you should always have a waterboddle.

▪ In addition, experts recommend that you make it clear again and again that you are not in danger. Even if in some cases one of the fears feels threatening, it is normally harmless and has no harmful consequences such as faintness, heart attack or stroke.

These exercises can help permanently. They are more time-consuming, but they can minimize the frequency and length of your panic attacks.

▪ With yoga, progressive muscle relaxation after Jacobson (PMR) and other relaxation techniques. These exercises employ your body and bring it back to normal behavior.

▪ If you don’t like this at all, bring you gentle sports in top form

Regular sport can help in the long term to cope with fear. Sports is considered a stress valve that works in stressful situations.

▪ In addition to the above-mentioned measures, a healthy lifestyle is the best basis for getting the anxiety under control.

! The following things should be avoided if you tend to be afraid: caffeine, nicotine, alcohol, underseed and lack of sleep.

! Don’t try yourself in self-medication! It can go back quickly.

In most cases, anxiety increases when not treated.

To defeat the panic disorder in the long term, you should definitely try for psychotherapy.

In the therapy, the patiences of their fears arise and learn to gradually reduce their fears. The sooner you start, the better the chances of healing.

If the panic disorder is pronounced or problems such as depression are added, psychopharmaka is additionally prescribed. These can regulate the increasingly activated fear network in the brain.

Fear states, anxiety disorders, panic attacks are one of the mental disorders that are well therapeutic. Stay positive!

Thomas Richter
6 months ago

From objectively neutral situations or triggers one suddenly suffers anxiety and panic states. Many are not aware of the reason and they seem unforeseen. In a psychotherapy, you will discover triggers, reasons and helpful skills to get them under control and, in the ideal case, make yourself more resilient.

6 months ago

In the case of a panic disorder, there is no repeated panic reactions which are also known as panic attacks.

But not everyone with panic attacks has a panic disorder. Many can get panic attacks in certain situations, but in a panic disorder these panic attacks come out of nothing and out of cheerful heaven.

6 months ago
Reply to  Julia07012000

Fear of fear. Typical symptoms

6 months ago

Find out about Skills. Here you can learn methods to distract you. And you have to break out of the vicious circle of fear:

How to get out of the vicious circle of fear in this case?

A “exit” could succeed in various places, for example, already at the very beginning, through a different evaluation: the palpitation, sweating and trembling probably shows that I had a lot of stress today and now, as I lie in bed, perceive the stress symptoms properly. This is not dangerous, it’s normal that the body has not yet broken down the stress.

The vicious circle of fear often ensures the strong anxiety reaction.

6 months ago

You suffer violent panic attacks for no reason.

6 months ago
Reply to  AndreH363

Causes/founders that you get a panic attack are not “nothing”, sorry.