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300€ durch Lohnsteuerausgleich?
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um damit 200.000 € machen zu können? Schrot o.ä.
Erbschaftssteuer bei gleichzeitigem Tod?
Wenn die Eltern gleichzeitig sterben z.B bei einem Autounfall hat dann im Falle eines Berliner Testaments das Kind den doppelten Freibetrag also zweimal 400.000 € oder nur einmal wenn nicht feststellbar ist wer zuerst gestorben ist
That’s actually called a turnover tax. Evtl. helps a look into the UStG.
Value added tax is called by hand because, at each stage of the value chain, the value added chain is taxed on the ‘value added’ created.
English therefore also “value added tax”.
the carrier of the USt is the private end user; for companies, the USt represents a continuous item.
Value added tax is the transitional term for turnover tax.
The turnover tax is levied on deliveries (e.g. goods) and other services (e.g. services).
The basis for the tax on turnover is the charge collected for delivery or performance.
Tax rate: 19% or 7% (in the reduced case).
Small entrepreneurs can be exempt from VAT. In addition, certain occupational groups (e.g. doctors, insurance companies) are exempt from VAT. tax/
VAT is an invention to generate more revenue. It is collected practically for all products. In simple words, one assumes that a product or raw material is worth more after processing or production.