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Will nächstes Jahr die Paprikas besser hinbekommen.
Gute Burger wo?
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Gemuese saettigt mich NULL?
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Wie viele Kalorien hat dieses Frühstück?
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A Mohrrün
The carrot belongs to the root vegetables. Often they are called Möhre. It is well suited as raw food and healthy because of its vitamin content.
The carrots are almost never going out!
A vegetable which is good for the eyes and rabbits like that
hares or Rabbits eat little carrots
That with the eyes is a rumor.
Hasen like eyes?! Mine? Eclipse little biester.
A root vegetables
A vegetable.
A sweet redhead with summer sprouts. Like that.
Image Source Internet.
An arrogant mob.
Olaf’s nose
A tube!
What is a T r o l l ?
Was your last question deleted?
Mtube something else
I hope that’s a troll question.
Yesterday there was the same question. Must have been deleted.
I’ve already reported this question. Apparently, support is not my opinion
Serious question?