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Hey! Und zwar folgendes, mein Vater will, dass ich Ärztin oder Apothekerin werde. Ich möchte aber das Gegenteil davon..Ich Träume schon immer davon, ein Restaurant zu führen und Leute dort zu bedienen. Deshalb möchte ich bald BWL studieren. Aber ich habe Angst meinen Vater zu enttäuschen..wie kann ich es ihm sagen? Er weiß nicht, was…
So, if you mean the J1, my mother was waiting outside. There, everything is looked at, you have to make a listen ind seh test, then the one has spoken of contraception and drugs, and then asked as it goes at school. I had 2 dates and at the first only blood was taken, but didn’t hurt… but I was afraid of splashing, so I was still dizzy naja♀️ ♀️
Lg notnoetig ⭐
Yes, I mean, there must be an appointment :,)
Oh okey good luck there is a user who is really friendly and knows everything about it. If you want, I can call your user
Okay, thanks.
Sunglass girl
Yes, please 🥲
I suppose you mean the J1, that’s an investigation that all young people have to do.
Because I’m a male, she’ll be a little different from you, but more or less the same. That was done with me:
The doctor measured my heartbeat, my sense of balance, my size and my weight.
Then she asked me any personal questions and at the end explained something to prevent me 😅
your general health is checked, with me there was 1 bit hopping and so coordination and also intimacy is examined
with me was my mother