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1 month ago

So, if you mean the J1, my mother was waiting outside. There, everything is looked at, you have to make a listen ind seh test, then the one has spoken of contraception and drugs, and then asked as it goes at school. I had 2 dates and at the first only blood was taken, but didn’t hurt… but I was afraid of splashing, so I was still dizzy naja♀️ ♀️

Lg notnoetig ⭐

1 month ago
Reply to  2good4u123

Oh okey good luck there is a user who is really friendly and knows everything about it. If you want, I can call your user

1 month ago

Sunglass girl

1 month ago

I suppose you mean the J1, that’s an investigation that all young people have to do.

Because I’m a male, she’ll be a little different from you, but more or less the same. That was done with me:

The doctor measured my heartbeat, my sense of balance, my size and my weight.
Then she asked me any personal questions and at the end explained something to prevent me 😅


1 month ago

your general health is checked, with me there was 1 bit hopping and so coordination and also intimacy is examined

with me was my mother