was ist eine girocard?
danke im Voraus 🙂
danke im Voraus 🙂
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The Girocard is a card that is issued by most German banks and savings banks in connection with a current account and with which you can withdraw money to vending machines in Germany and pay in many shops when shopping at the cash register. She’s one of the debit cards.
For use abroad, it is often equipped with additional functions such as Maestro (exit soon), V PAY or now increasingly also Debit Mastercard or Debit Visa.
The Girocard was introduced by the Deutsche Kreditwirtschaft 2007 as the successor of the EC card.
The card is called because it is connected to a current account. For example, you can pay cashlessly and also withdraw money from the machine. However, many people are more familiar with the name EC card.
… although there are no longer those since 2007.
… the term has been persistent.
… similar to the “GEZ” 😉
A card with which you can withdraw money from vending machines, in some shops you can pay cashlessly and with your credit institution you can get bank statements.
and what is the difference between a debit card?
Current cards and debit cards are two names for the identical product. In both cases, the sum paid with it is immediately debited from the bank account. In contrast to this, the credit card is the one where the billing takes place only 1x per month.
A Girocard is a debit card
But not just that.
Each Girocard is a debit card, but not every debit card is a Girocard.
However, from now on until 2027 there are different explanations of this.
Here is well explained in detail:
Previously “EC card” or “check card”.