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2 years ago

Hello tree cake,

no matter which toothpaste you take and even if the manufacturers are pushing – you will NOT be able to change your tooth color with teeth.

This is only possible with a professional bleaching. Your dentist likes to advise you.

Good luck!


2 years ago

I go for professional dental cleaning once a year, which also lights up a little and serves dental health.

I don’t have any experience with white-maker toothpaste.

2 years ago

Natural white teeth are actually quite simple.

Good dental hygiene and every half year to the dentist for control and professional dental cleaning.

A good help is also not to smoke, not to eat sweet things and then not to brush your teeth for hours, to do without aggressive acids such as phosporic and citric acid or red wine and, of course, to brush your teeth every day.

2 years ago

If you have no deposits, the tooth color should remain as it is. All products deteriorate the tooth substance. Whether you put them with a special toothpaste or let them bleach. In both cases, tooth substance is removed. Only the regular use of flour helps in optical whitening because flour smoothes the tooth surface. This then leads to a somewhat brighter appearance.

2 years ago

Toothpaste does not help to get white teeth.
You can often not influence the color. The only thing that really helps is expensive bleaching my dentist.

2 years ago

There is no toothpaste through which you get whiter teeth. Just go 2x/year for professional dental cleaning as it is prescribed.