Was ist eine akute Lumbalgie?
Was ist eine akute Lumbalgie?
Kann man daran sterben?
Zu welchem Arzt muss man da hingehen?
Welcher Facharzt ist dafür zuständig?
Was wird bei einer Lumbalgie gemacht?
Muss man da auch zum Röntgen?
Was ist eine akute Lumbalgie?
Kann man daran sterben?
Zu welchem Arzt muss man da hingehen?
Welcher Facharzt ist dafür zuständig?
Was wird bei einer Lumbalgie gemacht?
Muss man da auch zum Röntgen?
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Also es hat so angefangen: Ich hatte Rückenschmerzen auf einer Seite an einem Punkt, und dort kann man jetzt so eine Kugel spüren. Sie ist hart und befindet sich rechts neben der Wirbelseule und unter den Rippen. Später konnte man das auch auf der anderen Seite, aber ein bisschen verschoben, also nicht auf gleicher höhe,…
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Hi, Ist es möglich in jedem Monat ein fsj zu machen? Oder kann man nur an bestimmten Monaten anfangen?
Lumbalgia = back pain in the lower back
Not deadly
It’s always a family doctor who makes a transfer.
Mostly medical gymnastics or possibly injected.
X-rays can be.
Why can X-rays sometimes be necessary?
Why do you usually get a medical gymnastics?
And why is there some injections at Lumbalgie?
X-rays to exclude that something is defective on the cracking structures. Medical gymnastics since this pain is usually due to misconception or Tensions are triggered. Because a painkiller or an anti-inflammatory drug can be injected directly.
A witch shot, the preliminary stage for a disc incident.
Yeah, it hurts so much that you think you die.
To the doctor’s office, he’ll be a specialist. To orthopaedic probably.
Pain therapy and medical gymnastics usually.
Why is this a preliminary stage of the disc incident?
And why is the doctor going to transfer the patient to an orthopedic?
The fiber ring of the sliver disc is brittle and bulges out. And in the case of a disc incident, the disc breaks apart and the interior of the disc then presses outward against the nerve and that then hurts.
The orthopaedic can assess how difficult this is and how best to treat it. If it is to be treated conservatively, then the doctor can also prescribe pain medications and physiotherapy.
This is a witch shot. No, you don’t die. The doctor gives you a syringe against the pain. If you get that more often, it is advisable to go to the orthopedic. He can prescribe medical gymnastics.
The doctor can also determine a witch shot without an X-ray examination.
Why is the doctor giving a syringe for pain? Is that all the domestic doctors doing a witch shot?
And why would one be orthopedic when it happens more often?
Is it possible for the doctor to write medical gymnastics at the witch bullet?
And why can the pediatrician detect the witch shoot without an X-ray examination?
Ask the doctor. He can answer all your questions.
Witch shot is painful.
Why do you always ask for death and death? Are you looking for death or what’s wrong with you?