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Vector vaccines consist of viruses harmless to humans, the so-called vectors. The vectors are not capable of reproduction in humans or are only very limited. In order for the human immune system to build up the defense against the pathogen, it must come into contact with molecules (antigens) of the pathogen. This can be achieved in various ways.
Either a molecule from the virus shell of the vector can be exchanged in a vector for a molecule from the shell of the pathogen.
Or the vector contains the information for building up one or more protein molecules (antigens) of the pathogen. This information is then read in the human cell, the antigen of the pathogen is produced and presented to the immune system. The immune response desired during inoculation is thus triggered.
In these changes of the vector, care is taken that its safety for humans and the environment is preserved.
Examples of vector vaccines are the “Ervebo” vaccine against Ebola or the COVID-19 vaccines from AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson.
Long speech short sense, poison!