Was ist ein Humanitäres Visum?
Hey, mir wurde gesagt, ich soll ein „Humanitäres Visum“ beantragen, da mir mit Ehrenmord gedroht wird und man mich ins Heimatland verschleppt hat, ohne dass ich es wollte.
Nun wollte ich fragen, was das genau ist und wie man das Visum bekommt?
In den Reisepass oder separat?
Which country? Here exemplary for Germany. https://www.bamf.de/DE/Themen/AsylFluechtlingsschutz/ResettlementRelocation/HumanitaereAufnahme/humanitaere-auf-node.html
The visa comes into the passport.
Is that like asylum and can I apply for a residence permit?
This is all from the link:
A temporary residence permit is first granted to the selected persons. You don’t have to go through any asylum procedure. With an asylum application, the§ 23 para. 2OnenthG granted residence permit.§ 51 para. 1 No 8UpenthG automatically. A residence permit is issued for the duration of the implementation of the asylum procedure.
Renewal of residence permitsSection 8AufenthG; the grant of an unlimited residence permit depends on§ 9a and § 26 para. 4OnenthG; the duties of the person concernedSection 48Don’t touch.
After their arrival, the refugees will be distributed to the federal states according to a fixed key. For distribution§ 24 para. 3 and 4the application corresponding to the concentration (§ 23 para. 3UpenthG). They also receive a residence permit. The persons have to take their apartment and their usual stay in the place assigned to them (§ 23 para. 2OnenthG i. V.m.§ 24 para. 5 p. 2UpenthG). The move to another county or to another federal state is bound by conditions (e.g. job search or study).
Thank you