Was ist ein gutes Anfangsauto?

Also. Ich mache aktuell meinen Führerschein und denke die ganze Zeit drüber nach welcher erstwagen eigentlich gut ist. Mein Vater hat aktuell noch einen C3 Picasso den er mir geben würde. Klar finde ich ihn nicht schlecht, aber gibt es da noch Alternativen? Es sollte möglichst nicht teuer im Unterhalt sein sollte jetzt aber kein Corsa oder sowas sein 😅

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1 year ago

My father had a Ford Mondeo at that time he always thinks that would be one of his favorite cars


1 year ago
Reply to  Punker777

I can confirm (I drive myself such), however, the model is now really old and straight automatic transmission can make problems if they have not been adequately maintained… which can be absolutely no longer traced with several previous owners.

1 year ago

A driving instructor of our users here – but not my one, whose opinion I can share well, said once after passing the driving test:

You can now legally participate in road traffic – you will learn to drive in the next seven years.

So extreme this statement is – it is not quite wrong (word play has not been intended but has turned out so).

If you weren’t in touch with real traffic for a few years (or with your bike in big city traffic), please take a cheap ride with as much as one or maybe even a half years of TÜV. No matter how crazy the car is – it doesn’t take you from A to B and it doesn’t bother you if you’re scraped somewhere along the neighbor fence, on the board or on the garage wall. The damages, the other ones on your car or the damages you could cause yourself will not hurt so much.

Here to the explanation:

You will probably not have to have seven years… after three days I had my first and after about 5 months after passing examination my last correct teaching lesson due to lightness and only potential material damage. Once a cat ran over my way – you wanted to avoid and landed in neighbor’s fence. End of the song?: Rebuild neighbor’s fence and replace left door completely with disc and mechanics / scrap position 100 Mark (the car itself cost me 200 Mark from first hand. Okay, that was in 1984 but it was full of fun!)

After about 2 weeks later I had an important lesson for ice and snow and avoid an accident (I could avoid the cat 😂) … and then again 3 years later probably even prevented a possible fatal accident due to the experience.

A few months ago, I had to start an emergency braking first time on the overhaul track (LKW covered from the right to the left) and knew from there that the warning blinkers are not only advertised in emergency braking but also work.

1 year ago
Reply to  Betze371

If you can walk carefully with your whim and drive… it will not happen to yourself (aside from exceptions).

But there are people who get the dent in the parking lot and you’re annoying black when it’s a little more valuable car in the beginning.

This might happen to you later – the serenity comes with time.

1 year ago

If he gives you the free…Jackpot!

You don’t look in your mouth.

The car isn’t super beautiful, but it’ll take you anywhere. And you save the purchase costs for a completely new car.

1 year ago

If your father left you the Cit, you would have been a quite passable beginner car.

Also one that doesn’t have everyone. Now you can gain relatively good experiences and make an opinion. In any case, a relatively favorable option.

In the car sector, so much is moving and you will see it can be quite exciting what you develop.

1 year ago

It’s okay for the beginning. I’d drive him until there’s a little practice.

A good beginner car has little helper, barely a buckling snack and you have to learn to drive by car.

1 year ago

A puffy car is always better than one you have to buy.

1 year ago

Toyota Yaris