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Medically speaking, the ideal age for pregnancy is between 20 and 29 years.
Because a woman is already born with all the eggs you will ever have. The eggs “alter” with the woman and her quality decreases.
Fertility begins to decrease slowly with young women aged about 26 years – regardless of physical fitness and despite increasing life expectancy.
As early as 35 years, fertility is limited and decreases significantly faster with increasing age than most people suspect it and it becomes more and more difficult to get a baby – both naturally and artificial fertilization.
The higher maternal age is statistically a risk factor for spontaneous sites. Also the risk for childlike chromosome disorders, such as e.g. a trisomie 21 (down syndrome), trisomie 18 (Edwards syndrome) or trisomie 13 (Pätau syndrome) is closely related to the age of the mother.
Of course, other risk factors are added at advanced age. The likelihood of, for example, chronic illnesses or obesity increases, which can make both the conception and the discharge of pregnancy more difficult.
But even under 30 years there is no guarantee of intact pregnancy and a healthy child.
But what if “the” age is reached, but the financial situation does not mean that one gets the one-off possibility for a world tour, yet one wants to study, wins the dream job abroad, becomes one’s own parents in need of care, simply lacks the (right) partner, or one simply has no child’s desire?
Most women in Germany are getting around the 30. Year of life her first child and already every 4th. Baby is born by a woman over 35 years old.
It has become normal to have time to end vocational training and to create safe conditions for a family establishment. According to experts, this trend towards “later maternity” will continue and will even increase by the possibilities of reproductive medicine.
In the generation of my parentsHousewife and Mothera “vocational goal” and one was provided by the supply model marriage for the rest of his life.
In today’s time, I personally consider it urgently necessary for a woman to stand on her own feet before she embarks on the adventure maternity, and to provide herself and her children with the rest of her life.
The right age for children’s wars is reached if there is no panic attack, the period should be able to wait one day, but rather an expectant and joyful heart palp.
If the desire in a stable partnership between the two appears quasi as a logical consequence of the relationship without weighing pro and contra, one is sure to be able to “stmme” a child physically, psychologically, financially, partnershipally and life-plannerically.
The “right” time is there, if you don’t have to think about the right time…
Happy for you!
Biologically even under 18, I believe between 15 and 22.
From 25 the fertility of the woman decreases slowly.
Of course, every woman must know for herself whether and when she feels ready for pregnancy.
Then if you’re financially secure and have built up something. This can be with the one with 21 and with others with 30.
If the woman or the family considers the right time and the child can be taken care of well.
The right age is when you feel ready for it.
So biologically, the early 20gers are probably best. But most women have other ears and don’t want a child at their neck. That’s more like 30 then.
It’s perfect for me under 18 because I’m still young and my daughter when she becomes 18 I’m not 40 yet and myself still young especially now as I am with 17 already for the second time Mama I am sooo
In fact, as young as possible, from mid-20 the fertility and, above all, the resilience decreases.
Maybe so from 26
Biologically more below and under social points a little higher
So this area is probably the best compromise
We think this age is a very good one for us.
LG 😊
For me: No
Biologically this is optimal, social, well, that is another story.