What is an “after-work joint”?
With the current legalization, you hear a lot of arguments being made that many people, for example, want to drink a beer after work and some just want to smoke a joint after work.
So my question is:
What kind of weed is comparable to beer or wine? Or rather, what is an after-work joint? What kind is this? That…
I would be very pleased to receive an answer
This is less a variety question than one of the dosages. You can do anything small enough. The end-of-day newspaper also refers not only to one joint on the evening, but also to the unequal treatment of cannabis and alcohol or their consumers.
And then how do I make such a “Feierabend-Joint” that is not so strongly dosed… more like a beer in the evening.
As I said, you can’t say that at all. This depends on the quality of the stuff and the individual comprehensibility. Of average good stuff, few trains are likely to be enough for an evening.
From the point of view, however, this does not really have anything to do with a beer. No matter how to dose it.
Yes this with effect is clear to me that is not the same hahaha
The “Feierabend-Joint” is one of the classic terms from the marginal prohibitionist-Porzellan-Kiste, which belongs to the elephant gang, because…
Joints in these countries are made from ignorance and/or geiz by making a mix of cannabis (as a herb or as a hashish) and with tobacco as an extender. With extenders, however, cannabis is made qualitatively poorer. Neither would anyone pour tap water into his beer or into his lemonade.
In addition, a good part of the cannabis is always burned unused when smoking joints, always when the consumer is not pulling/withdrawing or spreading the joint.
Makes evening with (the term) joint.
Steams cannabis in the vaporizer.
This has little to do with the variety…
This is just a term for something you do after work, so to the evening as a relaxing action.
This can be the evening cigarette, the evening beer, the evening-off-joint, the evening-off coffee or a relaxing bath for the evening-off.
Yes, but if I were to take away n 5g Puple Haze or Amnesia… you can’t compare it anymore as a party but rather with a Vodka Suff or something…