Was ist eigentlich wenn man einmal kein Sonnenschutz trägt?
Nehmen wir mal an ich würde jeden Tag eine Sonnencreme tragen auch wenn es regnet oder schneit also immer jeden Tag. Kann sich dann der Körper wenn ich die Sonnecreme zB eine Woche nicht trage wehren ? Weil bisher hat mich ja der Sonnenschutz geschützt. Was ist mit der Immunität ?
Although sun protection protects the skin, it also protects only 50 minutes with light protection factor 50. It is always lightly browned, otherwise you just hang inside. But of course, the skin is then more sensitive, tends to brown quickly and lets more fold or to create mammals. Also depends on the UV load on the day. But in general, you have much less damaged skin through the many sun milk that you still wear significantly less damaged skin and it does not pull you down.
A friend of mine always cremates as a rooftop, every day, even in winter, and yet it is as brown as if he went into the solarium daily. Sun milk protects only a little and only from the worst damage.
Sun protection definitely lasts longer than 50 min 😂. The only thing that can happen is that you rub it down or sweat it away, but for that you should also cream every 2 hours if you stay out for a long time. And sun protection also blocks net 100% of UV radiation, weshakb besides the sunscreen is also important protective clothing. UV radiation does not only come from the direct sun, it can also be reflected by objects, houses, the floor etc.
LSF 30 or LSF 50 actually give the number of minutes that you can stay in the sun with the cream. Google likes this for a second.
Of course, other factors play in, like clothes again over the cream. But if you are in the shadow and a glass pane reflects light on you, think that the damage is still significantly lower than when you are ditect in the sun. And how should the ground be reflected in the shadow of the sunlight? Then there’s shadow on the ground.
No, the LSF gives the multiplier how much longer you can be in the sun than your own protection period. your self-protection time is 10 min, with a LSF of 50: 10 min × 50 = 500 minutes.
And you need to remember that UV radiation is invisible. Although it goes from the sun, it cannot be recognized by the naked eye and, of course, radiation can bounce off the ground and be “reflected” from there. The same can be heat. It meets the ground and is reflected from there and returned to the surroundings.
In UV radiation it is so that very bright surfaces reflect very much of it and absorb little. For example, snow reflects UV radiation up to 90%. Darker soils much less, as these absorb more radiation.
If you leave the sun protection you will be grilled like we other vampires in the sun, it is lied Digga 😉