Was ist eigentlich ADHS?
Was ist das?
Was ist das?
Kann es tödlich sein?
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Medically, it is a dysfunction of dopamin & noradrenalin.
the information transmission is also disturbed.
Main symptoms: hyperactivity, impulsivity & concentration difficulties.
if you have any questions, please ask them here
https://de.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/recognition deficit/hyperactivity%C3%A4tsst%C3%B6rung
A symptom cluster found in ICD-11 as a mental illness.
This is an invention of the pharmaceutical industry to sell drugs. In the past, the children have naturally reacted through movement and found compensation.
This is now a wrong and useless answer.
See here: https://www.gew.de/current/detailseite/pharmaindustrie-macht-billionegeschaeft-mit-auffaelligen-kinden
For someone like you who has no idea, it may seem like that
ADHS has been a diagnosis since 1902. Even in 1775, first symptoms were established, so 0 has to do with the pharmaceutical industry.
Did Wikipedia tell you? Get Bratwurst and Booster.
Yes fuzzlbuzzel, next time save such comments
This is criticism of therapy, not of diagnosis
Yes and your sources are? Certainly some conspiracy theorists.
Since there are enough evidence and a certain “tradition” for this diagnosis, it would be useful to show you how you come to your thesis.
Then it must be true if the Pharmalobby sponsored doctoral newspaper says so.
Doctor’s articles and adhs Germany told me that. Nix Wikipedia.
Naja ADHS as an invention to stamp seems to have less idea