Was ist dieses onlyfans oder so?
Ich bin weiblich und 12 Jahre alt.Ich schaue gelegentlich YouTube Shorts (aber nur ne halbe Stunde pro Tag 🙃)und manchmal kommen Shorts wo dieses Wort halt auftaucht.Ich weiß nicht was das heißt.Die wörtliche Übersetzung wäre:nurfans aber das macht keinen Sinn.Ich glaube das ist nichts gutes oder zumindest nichts für mein Alter.Wenn ja würde ich das wissen damit ich diesen Shorts (oder Videos) Daumen runter geben kann oder wegescrollen kann.
Vielen Dank 😘💖💜
Your translation is actually correct.
It is a platform where you can upload videos of yourself, but only people can see who pay for it. That’s why “only fans” (only fans).
However, the videos are for adults and you have to be 18 years old if you want to watch or clean there.
It’s a way to earn money. That is why we are so often talking about it.
Because that’s nothing for your age, I’d just scroll those shorts away.
OK thank you
I also say thank you for the star! 🙂
When you pay money, you can see sexual and very private content from other people. However, these content would be blocked on platforms like YouTube.
You can also set up something on Onlyfans yourself.
⚠️ Onlyfans is only from 18! ⚠️
Love greetings
Thank you.
this is a platform where you can upload certain images and only fans (only fans) who have paid for the pictures can watch these pictures
ANNEX https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=IScs5Z9JzSo
Thank you.
Is a platform for adult, where you can watch plus content for payment. Keep away from that.
Thank you
It’s really nix for you it’s a platform to upload content creator stuff can usually see pictures that only paying subscribers can see
Since this is often adult content when you understand what I mean is the page from 18
It is in principle extremely dangerous attracts bad people and the content there quickly lands on other sides
Now you’re too young for it, but with 18 I’d tell you
On onlyfans you can post content for people to pay. Most make “adult content” and for that the website is also known.
Just stay away from it.
OK many thanks
OnlyFans is like youtube for adults with sexual content against payment or Abo.
The militant vegan e.g. there sucks dicks and can be fucked.
OK thanks
Wait till you’re 18 and then inform yourself!
Basically, people sell content! Athletes, influencers and erotic content.
You don’t need to know. Keep away from that.
Isn’t important now, please put the phone away and go help Mom!
Why I just want to know that I should keep away from it
Yeah, stay away from it, what do you want more???????
That’s all over the question.
Excuse me?
Do we, and go ciao ciao
No I wanted to answer