Was ist dieser Grüne Punkt? Komet?

Ich habe gerade ein Astrofotografie-bild mit meinem Handy gemacht und habe einen grünen Punkt in der Mitte des Bildes bemerkt (2. Bild). Könnte das ein grüner Stern oder Komet sein? Hat jemand ähnliche Erfahrungen gemacht oder weiß, was es sein könnte? die Richtung war Osten (wohne nähe München), und die Dauer der Belichtung betrug 4 Minuten.

Würde mich wirklich interessieren da es ähnlichkeiten zu einem Kometen aufweist. Zumindest nach dem was ich auf Google gesehen habe…

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1 year ago

Unfortunately not, it is 81 Ursa Majoris, often called 81 UMa, is a multiple star system in the constellation of the Great Bear. It is about 120 light years away from us, so practically in our neighborhood compared to the rest of the universe.

Good picture by the way.

Figure 2

Figure 1

1 year ago

I find it strange at the green point that it seems to be really exact in the middle of the picture, so I would rather tap a technical phenomenon.

1 year ago
Reply to  IndoRXptor


1 year ago

It might be nice if you could “discover” comets like that. In earlier times comets (and asteroids) were rather discovered by many seekers in many nights – often freezing – trying to photograph a certain skyline again and again, and then (with good luck) discovering a light piece on the recordings, which had moved a bit further in the course of days or weeks compared to the background stars.

1 year ago

No, no comet. Its data would be known and easy to locate. Probably a mistake in the optics.

1 year ago
Reply to  IndoRXptor

He was good to see in February. This is no longer possible because it is far below the horizon at night.

1 year ago
Reply to  IndoRXptor

He’s already done. And it was hard to see.

1 year ago

astrometry.net identifies the object as 81 Uma, an A-type star (can appear green depending on the color characteristic of the camera).