Was ist diese Stempeldrehung in Polierte Platte wert?
Ich entdeckte das ich eine Silber Münze (1oz) die ich kürzlich gekauft habe eine Stempeldrehung hat.
Die Münze ist von der Olympiade in LA in Polierter Platte aus dem Jahr 1983.
Kann mir da einer sagen wie viel diese Münze ca. Wert ist
It’s not a die rotation, you just turned the coin around the wrong axis.
Unlike the euro coins, you have to turn US dollar coins around the horizontal axis to see the other side right around. That’s normal.
So I don’t have to turn the coin up, but down around
You don’t turn them to the left or to the right (as in the euro), but up or down.
Thank you.
Hello Paul,
some coins are turned vertical and others horizontal.
US coins rotate vertically and horizontally for EU coins.
Vertical means from top to bottom or from bottom to top.
Horizontal means from left to right or right to left.
Thank you.
If it is 1 oz full silver, it would be worth 30 euro. I think she’s not worth it.
See no indication on the coin that it would be silver
Is an ounce of fine silver 0.999 I just wondered how much this misprint is worth (see picture stamp rotation )
Is no misprint
40€ lg