Was ist diese Sche… auf meiner Haut?

Ich habe schon über Monate Juckreiz am ganzen Körper, besonders wenn ich mich schlafen lege, und spüre auch allergie Sympthome, als ob Gift durch mein Körper fließen würde, ich was bei einem Hautarzt und der Typ hat zu mir gesagt ich hätte nix

Einmal wurde auch einer meiner Finger ganz dick und blass nach dem ich Juckreiz an der Hand hatte.

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2 years ago

I guess there’s an allergic reaction to something. You don’t have to be an allergy, your doctor told you nothing. It is possible that you have come into contact with something that has a very slightly toxic or irritating effect. Touch, or it was in something you could have eaten. Maybe an insect bite and the animal was contaminated with pesticides or something. And the body reacts and it takes until it can have degraded. That’s what I had. It was suddenly gone. Maybe you’re going to let another doctor examine you with blood and everything?

2 years ago

An allergic reaction.

Can come from food, from detergents and care products or from plants

2 years ago

I see nothing — maybe change the shower gel, the clothes detergent etc.

2 years ago

I think that has something to do with the insects

2 years ago

It’s best to do an allergy test once, then you’re certain. Everything else here is pure speculation and doesn’t help you.

Good improvement!