Was ist die Untersuchung”J1″?
Hallo Zusammen,
Ich habe neulich von der Untersuchung “J1” gehört. Ich bin 12, und habe mich gefragt, was das ist und was man da macht. Außerdem würde ich gerne wissen, ab wieviel Jahren die Untersuchungsreihe “J” startet. Kann mir das jemand sagen?
Dankeschön im Voraus!
Recommended from 12. And before I type it all myself:
Source: https://www.kindergesundheit-info.de/themes/fruehognition-u1-u9-und-j1/j1-studie/
In most cases, it works like this, you test a small hearing/vision and balance.
You give a blood sample or a urine sample, is a bit different from any doctor.
After that, you move up to your underpants, the doctor asks you questions about puberty, whether you smoke, etc.
Then you are measured and weighed and the body, vertebral column controlled.
Then you put on your back on the couch, there the belly is scanned and what looks at the knees.
If this is done, your doctor will ask you if he can pull your underpants down.
You can answer that with yes or no, but I recommend it to you.
There it is then looked after sham hair growth whether the fore skin is okay and it can be pulled back whether it is clean there, and the testicle is scanned once.
After that, he’ll pull your pants up and you’ll get dressed again if everything’s okay.
You’re alone with the doctor during the examination, your parents aren’t there.
And if you get excited, it’s also not bad is a sign that everything works;)
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They’re totally normal general investigations. Nothing exciting and nothing that requires a striptease.
Measure, cradle, heart and lungs, sample belly, measure blood pressure.
And a few general questions like “Are you regularly going big on the toilet?”
I was there in September and I am 12