Was ist die richtige Antwort?

Hallo Leute?

Ich habe diese Frage aus dem thailändischen Aufnahmeprüfung im Fach Deutsch genommen.

A: Sag mal, in welchem Hotel ist das passiert?
ฺB: Der Name des Hotels ist mir leider nicht _______.

1. bekannt                                 2. sicher
3. bewusst                                4. denkbar

Die meisten haben 2. gewählt, aber ich 1.,weil “etw. ist jdm. bekannt” etwa “jd. weiß etw.” bedeutet, oder? Solche Struktur hab ich nie bei “sicher” gesehen, außer “Ich bin mir nicht sicher, dass …”. Oder hab ich missverstanden? Was denkt ihr? freue mich auf eure Antwort / Erklärung!

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1 year ago

The name of the hotel ….

I am unfortunately not known (I don’t know him)

  • has unfortunately not become aware, –> has moved into consciousness = I know him but have just forgotten him)
  • is unfortunately not sure –> 1. wrong grammar, 2. “I slender between”
  • is unfortunately not conceivable-> 1. false grammar, 2. ” it is conceivable that …” = missing statement
1 year ago

Sure is wrong.
I’m not sure how the hotel’s name is.

In your case, “known” is correct.

1 year ago

Name of the hotel I am unfortunately not known. = I don’t know the name of the hotel.

Something is known to me. = I know something / someoneen. (Akk.)


  • I am not safe, whether this is the direct way to the station, but I am at least sure that we have about the direction there.
  • It I was not at all conscious/clearhow much I had hurt him with my criticism.
  • It is conceivable/possiblethat the hotel has a garage.
1 year ago

I also see “known” as the only correct answer.

1 year ago
Reply to  Tasha
