Was ist die Halterung am Kamerastativ?

Ich habe meine alte Kamera herausgekramt, dort ist ein “normales” Gewinde dran, aber an meinem Stativ ist dieses Ding. Scheinbar ist da auch kein Gewinde drunter. Brauche ich etwa einen Adapter? Hat schonmal jemand so einen Anschluss gesehen?

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2 years ago

Can it be that something was swallowed up by the tripod?

Because on this thing you can hardly Something fasten. I suppose there’s a head missing. It looks like this tripod:

https://www.amazon.de/AmazonBasics-Leichts-Stativ-3-Wege-Schwenkkopf-Wasser Scale/dp/B00XI87KV8

At the price of the tripod, it is not worth making. If the head is gone, you can see if you can turn the black thing off and then a screw will appear. Otherwise it would be a craft project with hot glue and stuff from the building market.

2 years ago

I would almost say with your tripod missing the head

Can you screw the part up on it, and then a screw appears larger than your camera thread?

if there’s something wrong


2 years ago

Is there also devices that are simply pushed over this pendulum, which then have below a previewed recess…if this adapter type is concerned, I am not sure whether there are large adapters or alternatively connections for it.

2 years ago

Either it is a special tripod for any specific device mounted on this head, or the tripod is incomplete and the head is missing.

2 years ago

Take a picture of the complete tripod.

2 years ago
Reply to  vogerlsalat

The manufacturer/model of the tripod would also be helpful.