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Bin auf die Antwort der Kenner gespannt…
Würdet ihr euch selber essen?
Sagt mal ganz ehrlich.
is always different but usually between 18 and 19 hrs.
6:00. You’re finished at 7:00 and then you’d have 4 hours to digest before you go to bed, so that the body can rest overnight.
When the children sleep and you sit in front of tv
usually after 8:00. as far as I know you say after sunset
Don’t you eat together with your children?
But rather in the middle of the day and in the evening, even if the big one is not there or we are still hungry after that
I find 18 watches
Between 17 and 20
Every time is the best time.
I don’t have time to eat. If I’m hungry, I’ll eat.
18 h 33 m😁
I don’t know if it’s the best. We’ll eat at 5:30.
Not later than 6:00 – then the body still has enough time to work with it before going to bed.
Go at least 3 hours before bed.
If you’re hungry.