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In my opinion, the Lufhanse Miles and More and an American Express (Gold) or platinum.
The Amex Platinum brings significantly better performances but since it is accepted in De rather in the luxury segment and acceptance in everyday use is less good would give you a lot of chance to collect points lost. Therefore, you should get a visa taken almost everywhere. And there’s the Lufthanse Miles and More.
Important. Do not confuse a credit card with a debit card. A debit card is sufficient for payments abroad and the amount is immediately withdrawn from the account.
With a correct credit card you can also block or book security at the hotel or at car rental. It doesn’t work with a debit card.
Unfortunately, it is also so that the best credit cards do not take equal to any customer. It is often a narrow degree. Of course, the Schufa should be ok, but if you earn too much, you are also uninteresting with the card provider. The banks earn most with the installment approx. 18-28 %. Whoever earns too well usually does not take any rate payments and is therefore uninteresting for the bank and is therefore rejected.
With too many rejections, the Schufa rating decreases. Because you were rejected by a bank. Common Zwickmühle.
Because this is a difficult topic, check24 even indicates the likelihood of permission.
The one that is accepted in the countries meets your requirements and has acceptable prices and conditions for you.
Bank Norwegian free VISA credit card
I have a Mastercard. But they don’t need it often. I’ve never had problems before.