Was ist die beste Festbrennweite an apsc?
An alle Canon Pros :
Was ist die beste Brennweite mit der man so gut wie alles Fotografieren kann? 50mm scheint am einfachsten zu konstruieren für Objektiv Hersteller und ist recht universell einsetzbar wenn man croppt und mehrere Bilder stitcht.
With a single focal length you are always restricted. There is no focal length suitable for all situations. Therefore, a plurality of lenses (or a zoom) are usually provided.
When I walk out of the house with only one fixed focal length, I usually decide for 50mm (from APS-C ~30mm). Is certainly the most universal focal length, but also there it is necessary to be aware of the fact that one or other motive must be omitted.
I see stitchen and croppen as absolute emergency solutions. Then I’d rather have a zoom lens.
There is no focal length with which you can photograph “as well as everything”. With a fixed focal length, you’ll always get in.
50mm is certainly not universally usable at APS-C – and stitchen works only with quiet motifs. For e.g. street photography, where you often have snapshots, more suboptimal.
At that time with many film cameras with fixed focal length, 38mm were the standard, because it was possible to cover most of the film (Canon Sure Shot / AF35M, 1979) later it went to 35mm (Sure Shot Ace/Prima Shot, 1988). 38mm corresponds to Canon APS-C approx. 24mm and 35mm correspond to 22mm. Unfortunately, there is only a 22mm lens for Canon and this is for EOS M.
The only lenses that can be used more or less universally are powerful zooms like the 24-70mm f/2.8. With them, only one does not cover bird photography and portrait photography only partially.
now that every photographer has to find out for himself. With 24MP sensors around 24mm it is probably the universal focal length to work, with enough crop reserve for portraits, with 32MP sensors probably the new normal (see Leica Q) will be 18mm. Nevertheless, the 27mm normal focal length has Super 35 “Kinofilmlook” and advantages on Street.
At that point, Leica photographers have been taking place since 1950s, with the Dominaz of the 35 Summicron in photoreportation and the 50th Summicron on Street. But in the field of art photography, the only short-built 40 Summicron-C has been hung more often.
No one. With you, the 50mm may be universal, but for me it would be useless. It’s been a long time since I used 50mm times.
Otherwise you choose focal length depending on the motif and picture look and for me fixed focal lengths are overall worse than zooms. Solid focal lengths have the greatest advantage in the light intensity and image quality, especially in the case of open diaphragm. If you do not use an open aperture and hide a little more, the advantage is succumbing and does not differ visually from a better zoom, but with which you are significantly more flexible in several design points. This is more important to me than getting the last bit of sharpness out because it has a much greater influence on the picture. Had among others a 30mm and still have a 60mm macro and yet I prefer to photograph with a zoom.
The best focal length? It’s different.
my Immerdrauf (on APSC) is a 90mm f 2.8 (Macro 1:1). Then comes the 50mm f1.8
If it went after me 35mm that corresponds quite exactly to what your own eyes see
However, I meanwhile have all the fixed focal lengths that I once had sold so that you are simply too inflexible and the image quality gain against a modern light-strength 2.8 zoom is very low