Was ist der Volumen der Erde?
Ein kleiner Test
Ein kleiner Test
Ich habe eine Frage zum Fach Werkstoffkunde, aber komme auf kein Ergebnis. Auch nicht aus dem Internet. Könnte jemand mit Erfahrung bitte helfen. Ich würde mich sehr erleichtert fühlen. Danke im Voraus.
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Farblos bis milchig trüb Geruch: keiner Zustandsform bei Zimmertemperatur: Fest,körnig Nicht löslich in wasser Wärmeleitfähigkeit: gut Magnetisches verhalten: wird nicht von magneten angezogen Dichte: 2,65g/cm³ Schmelztemperatur: 1470 Grat Siedetmperatur: 2590 Grat
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A volume must of course have a volume unit.
Therefore, 500 km2 precipitates. This is a unit of area.
But the volume of the earth is about (1 trillion) cubic kilometers (km^3).
The average radius of the Earth is 6.371 km, so if it were a perfect ball, its volume
43πr=1,083,206,916,850 km3
The maximum radius is 6378,137 km and the minimum 6371,008 km. The volume is thus between 1.083,207,427,910 and 1.086,851,326,520 km3
6370* otherwise original!
Somewhere I have read that the ball volume is about half the cube volume with edge length cube = diameter ball.
As it is about the estimation of the dimension, you can assume diameter Earth as 10,000 km2.
(10 TSD) 3/2 = 1000 * 10003 = 10^12 = 5*10^11 = 500,000 = 500 billion
So I’m coming to something completely different? 🤔
Okey, then the correct formula and with calculator:
V = 4/3 pi r3 = 4/3 * pi * 63683 = 1.081.677.443.860 (1 trillion 81 billion 677 million 443 thousand 860)
So if I had not divided by 2, it would even fit randomly and would compensate for the rounding of the diameter 😄
In any case, 1/2 trillion is closer to 1 trillion than to 500 million.
But it is^3
Yes, for the “half-grow rule” I seem to have rounded the diameter too generously. Because it’s about a few zero differences between the solution options, be it forgiven me.
If I’ve written too little or too many zeros, it should be a trillion. I forgive you!
I guess we haven’t learned yet.
Then it’s time!
6th Class Young
Don’t ask me why!
Weiss, had no more time and had to go to school so I wrote that as a reflex;)
factually neutral
*that and say Genus Volumina Genus=Snucked
What? Up to 4
So a 5.3 in Switzerland, right?
I am at the gymnasium, in Bavaria is primary school until the 4th had 1.7 cut last year.
Sorry, you’ll know at the gymnasium at the latest! If you can do it to the gymnasium!
Volumes are always 3 dimensions (LxBxH) so the answer with 2 dimensions (LxB) is basically out.
Yeah, right!
If one of the two answers should be correct, it can only be these. A volume cannot be specified in km2. 😂
Oh, jaa!
That’s right, but it could have been just a typing error. The option is wrong with or without write errors.
If the response options contain the correct answer, it can only be km^3. One volume is three dimensional, not two dimensional.
When I enter the device from the 4*rE3*Pi/3 calculator, r in km, I get the result
I don’t know. Here is another test: What is the gene of volume?
Volumina – no idea!
Eieiei, let’s practice it again…
The volume of Genus : neutral I think
Is it true(I am 6th grade)?
Yeah, Neutrum. lg up