What is the difference between detergents?

I've always used color detergent for everything. Is that wrong? I've now got a heavy-duty detergent. What do I do with it? Is it only for white laundry? Or can I use it normally? I've had this happen before with powder detergent, which left a white residue.

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2 years ago

Hello KnowledgeLover

Bleaching agents are present in the full detergent, making the colours pale

Greetings HobbyTfz

2 years ago

Color detergents have less bleach, but do not wash so well. Colours are pale with full detergent. Pay attention to temperature and washing time.

2 years ago

I thought that advertising television would have done a whole job in this respect! ;0)

As a rule, however, the field of application is also on the pack.

It can be assumed that a full washing agent contains more bleaching agent than a color washing agent. Things in strong colors that should remain colorful or very black, you should not wash them, but for normal stuff it is.

2 years ago

If you use full detergents, you can lower thetheatrature, because 40 degrees