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Vegetarians eat nothing from the dead animal (so no meat, fish, seafood, animal lab, jelly, real fireplace etc).
Vegans don’t mind eating anything from the animal. do not mention milk, milk products, honey, etc. And don’t use any products where there’s something animal in it. Whether in clothing, cosmetics, hygiene articles, cleaning agents etc
refers purely to diet.
It means that one does not eat meat and, if necessary, other animal products are not eaten (some of them are spread out on eggs or fish).
refers not only to food but to all life.
It means that everywhere in life where it is possible to dispense with everything for which animals are “used” or “used” or “processed”.
So when eating not only on animals themselves (of their meat) but also on all products produced by animals (but not themselves consist of animals) such as honey or milk. Or theoretically also on certain herbal food, if animals were necessary to produce, harvest, process etc. So also no figs, as the e.g. contain wasps that are “digested” by the fig in the formation of fruits. And even more rigorously, what about all plants that are pollinated under “use” of animals? In fact, you should not “use” bumblebees or bees that are used to pollinate vegetables and fruit growing…
And otherwise, of course, no clothing made from animal products, no products made with the help of animal things (e.g., the labels of beverage bottles are often glued to the bottles with bone glue, just like the wallpapers at home on the wall), no leather belts, no pearl chains, no cosmetics with animal components and so on…
In addition, all oil-based products also consist at least in part of dead animals (for this is the case with oil). So you would have to dispense with the plastics for the “non-animal” clothing, the sneakers etc.
And since you are not allowed to use animals for anything, the attitude of animals (as “users” anyway, but also as “parents”) would also be prohibited, because even there “uses” you an animal in any form, and be it only as “competent”.
And if we’re really nasty now, we’re still saying that people are just animals, so you’re not supposed to eat or use anything that a person has cultivated, harvested, transported or made with his work etc.
So you see that Vegasnism is not really feasible at all, but is always accompanied by certain “buckles” that need to hide certain aspects so that it can be implemented realistically in everyday life.
Thank you.
Vegetarian: You don’t eat meat or fish
Vegan: No animal products (milk, honey, meat, fish, eggs, …)
It also refers to all life; so you may not use soap with animal products, for example.
No, vegan refers not only to food but to all areas of life (also clothing, accessories etc.)
For example, you should not wear a pearl chain or a leather belt etc.
I’m sorry, I didn’t think about it
veganism is not nutrition
The difference between vegan and vegetarian is that Vegetarians do not eat animal food such as meat, but usually eat milk, eggs or cheese. In contrast, vegans dispense with all animal foods (meat, fish, dairy products, eggs, honey).
veganism is not nutrition
Vegetarism is for most vegans – quasi – the entry…
Veganism is for many vegetarians then the logical continuation – or Consequence!
Every step is important – and right…;)
Vegetarians eat animal products where the animal did not have to die for it. For example, unfertilized eggs, honey or milk.
Vegans don’t eat anything animal.
Therefore, for example, cheese for vegans is not ok, because animal, for vegetarians only sometimes. Because the lab, which is required for cheese production, can be both of animal origin (as calves) or microbial (as mold mushrooms).
In the case of a vegetarian diet, meat and fish, but not eggs and/or dairy products, are dispensed with. On the other hand, a vegan diet consists exclusively of vegetable products.
Veganism is not limited to diet. It refers to All Things, in All Life areas.
Vegetarian avoid the use of animals; VeganFor example, no animal products such as milk, honey and eggs consume. They also do not wear leather shoes or belts etc.
Vegans also dispense with animal products such as milk
vegetarians do not consume animal products such as eggs, milk, cheese and vegans.