Was ist der Unterschied zwischen Umweltplakette und Schadstoffklasse und was gilt für Fahrverbote in z.B. Städten?

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3 years ago

There are four pollutant groups. These are marked by no (1), red (2), yellow (3) or green (4) plaque. For driving into an environmental zone, your vehicle needs the appropriate plaque. The pollutant class (exhaust gas standard) is not important here. In other words, diesel bans do not concern the pollutant group but the pollutant class of the vehicle.

3 years ago

The pollutant classes (actual emission class) are much more finely divided than those of the environmental plaque. The pollutant class specifies what environmental plaque a vehicle gets.

If there is an environmental zone in a region, it is only possible to get there if the vehicle has the required environmental plaque. In the meantime, there are almost only environmental zones that require the green plaque (4).

Among other things, you can determine which environmental plaque a vehicle gets: https://www.dekra.de/de/feindustry/medicine