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Opiates are psychoactive substances which from the milk juice of the poppy (Papaver somniferum). The milk juice, the crude opium, contains mainly morphine (about 3-23%) and codein (about 0.2-3.5%).
opioids are synthetic substances produced which have a morphine-like effect. The most known semisynthetic opioid is heroin, which is produced from morphine by a chemical process (acetylation). Further fully synthetic opioids are, for example, fentanyl or methadone.
There are also body-owned opioids, such as the endorphine. The term “endorphine” is an art word that is composed of “endogen” (inside, in the body) and “Morphin”.
In the future, please with source information. In this case:
The opiates include morphine and codein. Opioids combine all morphine-like substances, including opiates. Example! Weakly effective: tilidine, tramadol. Very effective: Oxycodon, Morphin.
As opioids it is possible to classify all substances that act on the opioid receptors in the body. They also include opiates.
Further information:
Opiates are vegetable and opioids are synthetic.