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there is no absolute, universal difference!
Fruits are always fruits that usually taste very sweet-acid and (also) raw. Traditionally, fruit is eaten less than hearty main dish, but rather, pure or processed, than sweet dessert.
In vegetables, different from fruit, and thus in these cases the distinction is clear, there are also species and varieties in which other plant parts such as storage organs, roots, stems, shoots, leaves, flowers, … are used. However, there are also fruit vegetables. In some cases, it is clear here too, aubergines or zucchini would hardly eat anyone pure and raw for dessert. But this year we have very tasty, aromatic, sweet-acidic cocktail tomatoes that went through as fruit for me.
So there is an overlap area here. And I and also others like to combine fruit in hearty dishes with sharp taste notes, to eat applemus to salty dishes, cranberries to meat, or even cranberry horseradish…
So there is no sharply drawn border between fruit and vegetables!
Fruit is usually multi-year and vegetables usually only one year. Vegetables usually grow near the ground and fruits rather on shrubs or trees (except confirm the rule here)
Fruit contains fruit sugar / fructose that pollutes the liver. Vegetables often contain more vitamins and more healthy additives.