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Lein seeds contain more protein than chia seeds. Chia seeds contain against more vitamin A and calcium. They contain many GESUNDE fats and are among the so-called oil seeds. But ATTENTION, too much chia seeds are absolutely not healthy for the body. It can lead to constipation and problems in the gastrointestinal tract.
Chia seeds are best suited for the morning cereal. Lein seeds are well suited for vegetarian cuisine, for example for laibs. 🙂
They are seeds of different plants and they come with me in well sealed cans. * Question answered* 🙂
linseeds are the seeds of linseed,
Chia seeds of the
The former are the seeds of the flax, the second of the Mexican Chia.
chia seeds are coming directly into the mull. I have problems with oligofructose.
lonely comes with me mainly into the horse, but I myself like to bake it in a broth, in a yogurt, lice flour. is important that you always let at least one hour be smitten.
what is the difference between both? these are completely different plants.
Lein seeds: seeds of flax, Chia seeds: seeds of Chia
I’ll put linseed in the yogurt.